Pest control can be a problem no matter where you live, whether you live in an apartment or a house, in the city or on the countryside. Rodents can damage electrical wiring and insulation and spread disease from fleas, mites, urine and feces that they leave behind. If you find nuisance wildlife in your home, it's probably best to contact a wildlife removal company, since they know how to handle the situation. The animal could have rabies which can be transmitted to a human through a bite.

Critter usually enter your home when the weather gets colder. Any opening around your home is an entrance for a critter. Vent, crawlspace, garage, chimney and attics are popular spots for critters.

How do you know you have a pest problem? How do you get rid of rats in your home without poison? If you're renting a property who is responsible for pest control, the landlords or the tenants? Below you'll find some very informative tips and suggestions on how to deal with pests in your home.


peppermint, oil
Real Estate Services

Tips on How to Get Rid of Ants in Bathrooms

July 19, 2024

Eliminate food, water sources, and their trails to get rid of ants in your bathroom. Use natural repellents like cinnamon, cayenne pepper or peppermint oil to deter them…

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peppermint, oil
Real Estate Services

Peppermint Oil as a Mouse Repellent: How Well Does It Work?

July 12, 2024

Peppermint oil offers a temporary, limited mouse repellent solution. Consider professional pest control for persistent infestations, health concerns, or a comprehensive approach…

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pest control
Real Estate Services

Essential Steps to Get Your Apartment Ready for Pest Control

July 05, 2024

Preparing your apartment for pest control involves thorough cleaning, removing clutter, securing pets, sealing entry points, and informing neighbors for a successful treatment…

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pest control
Real Estate Services

Integrated Pest Management in Emergency Pest Control

June 24, 2024

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) offers a safe and effective approach to emergency pest control by combining monitoring, prevention, control methods, and evaluation…

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Person using a yellow sponge to clean
Real Estate Services

Apartment Living: How to Avoid Common Pest Infestations

May 15, 2024

Apartment living can be susceptible to pests like cockroaches and rodents. But proactive measures like sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness can help prevent infestations…

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Real Estate Services

6 Common Apartment Pest and How to Deal with Them

April 19, 2024

Learn how to identify, prevent, and eliminate common apartment pests like cockroaches, rodents, ants, bed bugs, fleas, and silverfish for a comfortable and pest-free living space…

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Real Estate Services

Hornets or Wasps in the Landscape: Strategies for Safe Extermination

April 03, 2024

Effective extermination of hornets and wasps in outdoor areas requires professional assistance, safety precautions, and integrated pest management practices to ensure…

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Person holding a bucket with cleaning supplies
Real Estate Services

The Benefits of Routine Pest Control Maintenance Contracts

April 03, 2024

Routine pest control maintenance contracts offer businesses proactive and customized solutions to address pest issues, resulting in cost savings, increased efficiency…

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Clean restaurant
Real Estate Services

Insect Control for Restaurants and Food Services: Ensuring Safety

April 03, 2024

Insect control is vital for restaurants and food services, ensuring compliance, safety, and reputation through proactive prevention, IPM strategies, and professional services…

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mouse, pest
Real Estate Services

Rodent Control in Restaurants: Meeting Health Code Standards

January 20, 2024

Protect your restaurant from health risks and legal trouble with this comprehensive guide to effective rodent control and compliance with health code standards…

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Real Estate Services

Eco-friendly Pest Control Tips For Your Apartment

July 21, 2023

Living in an apartment can be enjoyable until pests become a problem. Eco-friendly pest control tips like keeping a clean living space, sealing entry points, set traps, keep drains clean…

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person cleaning windows
Real Estate Services

Pest Control Devices: Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides

February 06, 2023

Pest control devices offer a safe and effective alternative to chemical pesticides, helping to protect the environment, wildlife, and human health. Whether you are dealing…

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Real Estate Services

What Does a Pest Control Company Do?

January 08, 2023

Pest control companies are businesses that specialize in eliminating or controlling the populations of pests, which are defined as any species that is considered harmful to human health…

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person holdig a bucket with cleaning supplies
Real Estate Services

6 Tips on How to Remove Pests after Moving into a New House

December 07, 2022

Have you got bats in your attic? Although bats are important for the sustenance of the ecosystem, you don't want them residing in your home. They cause damage in the attic…

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Boston skyline
Real Estate Services

Meeting Boston's Pest Problem Head On

November 10, 2022

Landlords have certain responsibilities when it comes to ensuring their tenants are able to live in pest free properties. While tenants must notify landlords of suspected issues, and ensure that they…

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Real Estate Services

Who is responsible for removing rats in a rented property?

September 27, 2022

Generally speaking, the landlord will bear full responsibility for removing rats, or any other kind of wildlife that's been spotted on the property. If the landlord fails to fulfill his contractual…

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Real Estate Services

How To Keep The Insects Away From The Living Area

August 28, 2022

Certain bugs (like mosquitoes) carry highly contagious diseases like dengue fever, malaria, or malaria-like illnesses in many other bugs (like ticks). Some insects can cause harm - There are …

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Real Estate Services

How to Become Your Home's Pest Defender

July 25, 2022

Preventing pests: Take special care of foods that attract bugs, such as sweets, crumbs, sugar drinks and more. Remove garbage as often as possible. Double-check if plumbing of your house…

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Real Estate Services

How Do Roaches Enter Your Apartment? Keep Roaches Away

June 14, 2022

Roaches will invade your home through: Cracks and holes in the building itself - the downside with this is that they can be really, really small cracks, and yet still be enough for…

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mouse eating

Real Estate Services

How Plumbing Leaks Can Attract Rodents and Pests

October 24, 2021

Wild animals can find their way into your home for many different reasons. This is usually because somewhere in the foundation or build of your home, there are flaws that allow them …

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Real Estate Services

Why HomeOwners Should be Worried about Rat Infestations

September 28, 2021

Rats and other rodents are not often greeted with open arms - many homeowners cannot name something they would like to find in their home less. The list of pathogens and diseases…

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Real Estate Services

Buying or Selling a Home with Pest Issues

May 19, 2021

Many homes have pest problems at one point or another. These can be rather benign, like rabbits near the garden or squirrels with an affinity for bird seed. Mice, bedbugs, cockroaches can …

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Real Estate Services

Simple and Effective Ways You Can Eliminate Annoying Pests

May 10, 2021

Pests are already annoying enough when they swarm around us outdoors, but it gets worse when they make their way into our homes. Here are some tips on how to get rid of carpenter ants …

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Pest control
Real Estate Services

Who is Responsible for Pest Control, Landlords or Tenants?

April 19, 2021

Pests are a hazard. They can cause serious physical and psychological harm, as well as damage to property. As you'll discover in this piece, tenants…

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Real Estate Services

5 signs of a pest infestation in your home

February 22, 2021

Droppings are a clear sign of an infestation of different pests. It is natural for pests to produce droppings when they occupy an area …

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insects Real Estate Services

Find Local Pest Control Services. Get Up to 4 Quotes Now.


Find a local pest control service in your area. Birds, Rats, Insects, Rodents, Termites and more. Compare quotes from top-rated Pest Control Services. …

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Person holding cleaning supplies
Real Estate Services

Helpful pest control tips for apartment owners

November 05, 2020

It's essential to keep high-traffic areas, bathrooms, janitorial areas, refuse areas, and food preparation areas consistently clean …

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Rat in a cage
Real Estate Services

How to get rid of rats in your home without poison

September 16, 2020

Rats are also quite destructive to a home, chewing through materials, and leaving droppings everywhere. And while rats are …

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Bats in the attic
Real Estate Services

Why having bats in your attic is common

July 30, 2020

Understanding why bats reside in attics requires a piercing grasp of their habitat. Bats love to roost in warm, dark, and safe sites …

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Real Estate Services

How to Avoid Getting Wildlife or Rodents in your Boston Apartment

July 10, 2020

If you live in an apartment, finding out that you're sharing your space with a rodent or any other wildlife is even more invasive than if …

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Real Estate Services

How to keep raccoons off your property

August 08, 2020

As cute as raccoons may look, they can cause a lot of trouble if they find their way into your yard or house. These animals are considered …

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