Valentine Heart

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Heart symbolizes the express of love. Love is eternal and believed that related to heavens and heavenly feelings. Love is a feeling from the heart for your very close person. The Valentine's Day is commonly known as Love Day i.e. 14th February. The legend name is St. Valentine is associated with this day for sharing of love.

St. Valentine is a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity on Feb. 14, 269 A.D. The Roman Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine, all of whom were martyred. St. Valentine may have been imprisoned and later killed for helping Christians to escape harsh punishment in Roman prisons. The heart full love from St. Valentine inspires us to love someone unconditional and eternally. The person we love is our Valentine heart. On this traditional day lovers in certain cultures let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine's cards and gifts.

The occasion of Valentine Day brings the moments and interest in love bird’s heart to express their love words hidden for a long time. Valentine's Day is traced back to an obscure Catholic Church feast day, said to be in honor of Saint Valentine. The modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. The day is now most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of Valentines especially heart-shape.

Love day history:

In the early in the 19th century, the practice of hand writing notes has largely given way to exchange of mass-produced greeting cards and feeling to the loved person. The estimation on sent is approximately one billion valentine cards world-wide every year. Making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas and flowed by New Year. Women are the must sender of valentine’s cards and gift compare to men. The middle of February is recognized as love and fertility dates from the ancient times. The Ancient Athens’s calendar, the period between mid January and mid February was the month of Gamelion, which was dedicated to the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera.

In 19th century the Valentine's Day was probably imported into North America, settlers from Britain. In the second half of the 20th century in the United States, the practice of exchanging cards was extended to include the giving of all manner of gifts, usually from the man to the woman such as roses and chocolate. The diamond industry also started promoting gift, jewelries in the 1980s as Valentine's Day gifts.

In Japan and Korea, Valentine's Day has emerged, thanks to a concentrated marketing effort, as a day on which women give chocolates to men they like. In Chinese Culture, there is a similar counterpart of the Valentine's Day is called ‘The Night of Sevens’.

In Brazil, there is no such day as Valentine's Day rather called "Boyfriend's/Girlfriend's Day" ("Dia dos Namorados" lit. "Day of the enamored"), on June 12. On this day, boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives, exchange gifts as on Valentine’s heart persons.

Valentine day tradition:

The day's associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated from early days. Valentine's Day traditions and Valentine's Day customs are different in different parts of the world. Though the significance and symbolism of Valentine's Day remains the same throughout the world it is the tradition part which changes from one country to another.

Making of Valentine Heart

The auspicious occasion Valentine’s Day brings the opportunity to make someone your Valentine heart. He or she becomes your lovable and caring person for the rest of your life. Giving roses and gifts you can find your beloved person. Expressing of love is a difficult task for anybody. The emotion in a person makes such psychological situation in a person and fall in you in a trouble. A very few persons can express the heartfelt feelings to anybody. That is why you need a situation or reason of make it done on the floor. The expression is also an art, where you can win the heart of your dream person. The opposite sex has always a curiosity and thinks about you till you come out from the front. The welcome happens if your art of love is appreciated.

Valentine Heart Expression:

Gifts and cards are so easiest way of expression to get back a reply from your laving person.

Roses: Roses have always been the subject of great importance in love and romance. This is a symbol of love popular in lovers all around the world. Roses symbolize love, romance, compassion and friendship. Roses are available in various colors and sizes. The red rose indicates passion, yellow for friendship and white stands for true love and devotion. Gifting a rose on Valentine’s Day is an exclusive expression of your Valentine heart.


People use flowers as gift as well as ornaments for their face, head and body on the Valentine’s Day. Especial must women buy flowers for Valentine's Day.

Heart and Silk

Love comes from heart. This scientific episode has been experimented by lot of people in the world. It symbolizes love more completely as does the heart. A romantic person is always inclined to the heart symbol. Giving and getting of heat signify the love between two persons, where a lot of attributes hidden such as sharing, caring, meeting and getting marry. Heart pierced with arrow symbolizes the Valentine's Day and the Valentine Heart.

The silk softness is another wondering element in form of Ribbons and frills are synonymous with love and romance since time immemorial. These are used as royal presentations to beloved ones. The silk in ribbons form are important part of auspicious occasions for decoration and gifting.

Lave and Animal instinct

The bird like Lovebirds and Doves are believed that they meet their mates on this special day. These birds symbolize the faith in love. It is said that lovebirds cannot think of life without their life mates. Dove signifies humbleness, purity, and purity. People remember the eternal love between the Moon and Chokary-bird in India.