Gifts, flowers

Happy New Year Gifts



The New Year is an occasion that happens when a society celebrates the ending of one year. A year is the time connecting two recurrences of an occurrence related to the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. By addition, this can be applied to any planet: for example on Mars it will be called Martian Year.

The most common modern celebrations are:


January 1st the first day of the year a year is the time between two occurrences of an event associated to the orbit of the Earth around the Sun..

In the Gregorian calendar New Year's Day is the first day of the year. In modern era, it is January 1. In most countries, it is a public holiday. It is still considered as a holy day on January 14 by those who still go after the Julian calendar such as supporters of some of the Eastern Orthodox churches.

The Jewish New Year is Rosh Hashanah in the Hebrew translated to ro¡¯sh hash-sh¨¡n¨¡h, "head of the year". In actual fact, Judaism has four "new years" which spot various legal "years", much like in the many countries January 1 marks the "new year" but the "fiscal new year" starts on a different date. New year for people, animals and legal contracts is Rosh Hashanah. The Mishnah also sets this day aside as the new year.

The prehistoric Roman calendar had simply ten months and started the year on 1 March, which still shows in the names of some months which draw from Roman numerals: September (Seventh), October (Eighth), November (Ninth), December (Tenth). Approximately in 715 BC the months of January, February and Mercedonius were added to the end of the year. Because consuls were selected in January, and for the reason that years were named after the consuls who served in that year, January became the de facto commencement of the year. In 45 BC Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar, dropping Mercedonius and decreeing that the New Year should start on 1 January.

In Europe during the medieval times a number of important feast days in the clerical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church came to be used as the commencement of the year:

In the French Republican Calendar Autumnal Equinox Day is the New Year's Day, which was in use from 1793 to 1805. January 1 marks the end of a period of memories of the passing year, in particular on radio, television, and in newspapers, which more often than not starts right after Christmas Day. Publications often have year-end articles that evaluate the changes for the period of the past year. Universal topics include politics, natural disasters, music and the arts, and the inventory of noteworthy individuals who passed away during the past year. Frequently there are also articles on intended or expected changes in the coming year, such as the portrayal of new laws that often take effect on January 1.

On December 31st there is by tradition a religious feast, but from the time of 1900s, has become an event for merriment on the night between December 31 and January 1, called New Year's Eve. There are frequently fireworks at midnight. Depending on the rules of country, individuals may be permitted to burn fireworks, even if it is banned the rest of the year. New Year's Eve is on December 31st, the day ahead of the first day of the calendar year. In the United States, Canada, England, and many other countries around the world, New Year's Eve is a celebratory occasion marked by energetic celebrations to welcome the new year.

It is also a time to make New Year resolutions, which they anticipate to fulfill in the coming Year; the most accepted ones in the western world comprise to stop tobacco smoking or drinking, or to lose weight or get physically fit.

How do people in the region of the world rejoice the coming of the New Year There are many and wide-ranging customs from one country to another, generally coming from simple ones like watching fireworks to eating extraordinary foods. Some traditions are very astonishing or entertaining, such as the Thai custom of throwing water on people or the Spanish custom of eating 12 grapes as the clock strikes twelve midnight. Many of these New Year's customs are anticipated to bring good luck for the duration of the new year ahead.

New Year's Day is the starting day of the calendar year. People in more or less every country have a good time this day as a holiday. The celebrations are both celebratory and somber. Numerous people make New Year's resolutions to mend bad habits or to start good ones. Some consider about how they have lived for the duration of the past year and look further to the next 12 months. Modern traditions on New Year's Day comprise visiting friends and relatives; giving gifts; be present on

religious services; and making racket with guns, horns, bells, and other devices. Children in Belgium write to their parentsNew Year's messages on decorated paper. The children read the messages in front of families on New Year's Day. The Chinese New Year starts between January 21 and February 20. The celebration lasts four days. On the last night, people dress as dragons to frighten and delight the children. In Japan, many people worship on New Year's Day.

In the United States, a lot of people set out to New Year's Eve parties. Crowds get together in Times Square in New York City, on State Street in Chicago, and in other public spaces. At midnight, bells ring, sirens sound, firecrackers burst out, and everyone shouts, "Happy New Year!" People also drink to toast the new year and sing "Auld Lang Syne."

In New England new year is celebrated year by firing guns into the air and shouting by many American colonists. They also go to taverns and houses to request for drinks. Other colonists attended services in church. Some people held open house, with giving warm welcome all visitors and feeding them generously.

One more old custom involved using the Bible to forecast what would happen in the new year. People chose a passage of the Bible casually. They then applied the passage to the coming months of the new year. They also visited taverns and houses to ask for drinks. Other colonists attended church services. Some people held open house, welcoming all visitors and feeding them generously.


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