Tips to make any apartment look great


Have you just moved into a new apartment and have no idea how to decorate it or make the space your own? Are you bored of the look of your apartment and want to discover a new style for it?

Living in an apartment can make decorating difficult, especially if you don't own the apartment and can make any permanent changes that will mess with the integrity of it or take away from your security deposit. It can also be difficult to decorate it since apartments are typically quite small and don't tend to have a lot of space which can leave them looking cluttered and messy, but not all hope is lost, fear not. There are so many small changes that you can make to any apartment to make it look great or even just upgrade it a little, and they don't even have to be bought at full price.

Here are a few tips on how you can spruce up your apartment and make it look fantastic.


Use posters

People tend to stay away from putting things on their walls when they live in an apartment that they don't own because they don't want to damage the walls, however there are so many other options available to people that they don't even think about.

You might not have thought of using a poster, however they are a great option and can liven an area up or even be considered as the centre piece of a room, especially those seen on Art Frill. They are available in a varying price range, from dirt cheap to insanely expensive, whatever suits you. Pretty much anything can be considered wall art, be it artwork that you really want to display, paintings, or just photos of your family.


An entryway works wonders

When it comes to decorating an apartment, most people look straight past the entry way and don't even think about decorating it. This is a big mistake, you should be considering your entryway as a whole extra room that should have its own style and design.

Apartment decorting tips, wall art, plants

In your entry way, your statement piece you be an accent chair or bench. Even though it might not be used very often, it can fill up the space nicely and serve as extra storage.

Having a basket or vase for umbrellas is not only an aesthetic choice but also a practical solution to not bringing wet umbrellas into the house. If your entry way is a quick pit stop before leaving your house, the addition of a mirror for quick makeup touch ups and a shoe rack for easy access to shoes will not go unnoticed.


Create space and add greenery

Living in an apartment means that you will most likely not have access to any kind of garden. So why not bring the garden inside to you. This may seem bizarre but house plants are becoming more and more popular by the day. Adding plants to your apartment will not only bring a sense of freshness and liveliness to your living space, but also create a cosy and homey feeling.

Apartments are typically quite small, depending on where you live and your space can become cluttered quickly and easily. This make its look messy and untidy. A way about this is to have extra storage or making sure that everything have a designated placed. This will in turn give the sense of more space in the apartment and make it a lot neater.


Get a carpet or a rug

A lot of more modern looking flats tend to have an open plan design to then, meaning that majority of the rooms are not divided by walls and it is up to you to designate the space to certain activities or rooms.

A way to go about it is by using rugs or carpets to divide the space and define the rooms or show the boundaries of each area. For example you could put a large rug underneath a dining table or by a couch where social activities happen. Using an area rug is a simple way to show which room it which while also adding to the colour and style of the house or designated room.

There are so many affordable ways for you to ramp up your living space, you just need to find out what works best for you.



This article was published on 02/25/21.