Home care or senior care is challenging as well as rewarding job in that you not only take care of your parents, but also serve them as they have done during your childhood. It is time for you to repay their services. On the other hand, it involves physical and emotional demands on you. Therefore, you need special guidelines to help you to become the best caregiver in senior care field.

The problems attached with senior care or home care are that seniors often need companions and good listeners. They do not like the idea of a handicapped person to be taken care by others even by their own loved ones. Therefore, you are required to take pride in serving them as they did the same to you during your childhood. The second is that you should help them, but not in cases where they can help themselves like in brushing hair, in getting around, in eating and in bathing.

Moreover, seniors also need companionship and friends like younger generation. To understand their needs for companionship during elder care is one of the difficult tasks. You can provide emotional support by providing much-needed listener and friend in sharing pangs of loneliness, daily problems and care for daily routine. Furthermore, you should not only possess Job's patience, but also extra quality of showing love with your elder care job.