Tips for Safely Purchasing a New House Before Selling Your Current Home


person putting a sold sticker on a for sale sign


The prospect of upgrading to a new and better-suited house is undeniably exciting, but juggling the sale of your current home while searching for a new one can raise a fair share of anxieties.

For many homeowners, the fear of getting caught in a financial predicament between two properties can be a significant deterrent, preventing them from leaping at their dream home.

However, with the right approach and thorough preparation, you can purchase a new house with confidence and peace of mind before selling your current one.


Assessing Your Financial Situation

A closer look at your finances will help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls. Here are vital steps to assess your financial readiness:


Calculate Your Home's Value and Equity

Hire a professional appraiser to determine your current home's market value. The appraised value provides an objective and accurate starting point for assessing your home equity, giving you a realistic idea of how much your property is worth in the current market.

The next step after receiving the appraisal report is determining your home equity. For instance, if your home is appraised at $500,000, and you still owe $250,000 on your mortgage, your current home equity stands at $250,000.

This figure represents the portion of the property that you truly own, free of any debt. Moreover, while calculating your home equity, it's essential to consider any additional loans or debts secured against your home.

Understanding the total debt secured against your property will give you a more accurate picture of your financial standing and how much equity you can use toward purchasing a new house.


Evaluate Your Budget for the New House

Establish the maximum amount you can afford for a new home based on your financial standing and lender's criteria. Decide how much you can comfortably put towards the down payment without jeopardizing your emergency fund or long-term savings.

Another thing, consider additional expenses like loan origination fees, attorney fees, and property taxes. Make sure to budget for hiring movers, transportation, and any potential repairs or improvements needed in the new home.


Consider Bridge Financing Options

Explore the possibility of obtaining a bridge loan, which can provide temporary financing until your current home sells. Ensure your credit score is in good standing to secure low-interest rates and fees associated with bridge loans. 

Moreover, if you have significant equity in your current home, a HELOC could be an option to access funds for the down payment on the new house. Additionally, evaluate how much money you have in savings to be allocated toward purchasing the new home.

Also, consider backup plans if the sale of your current home takes longer than expected, such as borrowing from family or using a low-interest credit card.


Working with Real Estate Professionals

Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent can significantly benefit the process, as they provide valuable insights into the local market, guide you through the home-buying journey, and negotiate on your behalf.

Additionally, coordinating with a reliable mortgage broker or lender is vital for securing the best mortgage deal. Understanding the importance of mortgage pre-approval, comparing different loan options, and assessing loan terms and conditions is crucial to making an informed decision.

Also, seeking legal advice from a real estate attorney is indispensable for navigating the complexities of contracts and agreements. They can review purchase contracts, identify contingencies, and safeguard your interests.

You can confidently approach your new house's purchase by working closely with real estate professionals. Their expertise and guidance will help you navigate potential challenges and make the best decisions for a safe and successful transition to your new home.


Timing the Purchase and Sale

Timing is crucial when considering buying a new house before selling your current home. Properly coordinating the purchase and sale can help avoid financial and logistical pitfalls. Here are some key factors to consider when timing the transaction:

  • Keep a close eye on the local real estate market trends. Know whether it's a buyer's or seller's market.
  • Ensure you're financially prepared for the dual responsibility of owning two properties simultaneously.
  • Have a contingency fund that can provide a safety net during the transitional period.
  • When purchasing a new home, try negotiating a more extended closing period to give yourself more time to sell your current home.
  • Develop a strategic plan to sell your current home quickly.
  • If timing becomes a significant concern, consider exploring short-term rental options to bridge the gap between selling your current home and moving into the new one.
  • Keep all relevant parties informed about your timing requirements and any changes in your plans.
  • Be mindful of tax implications when timing the purchase and sale.



Remember, knowledge is power. Research extensively and seek professional advice to make well-informed decisions that align with your circumstances. While the process may seem daunting, with proper planning and prudence, you can navigate this endeavor safely and reap the rewards of owning your dream home.