Small Space Living:
Maximizing Comfort in Cozy Apartments


plants on a table, sofa in the background


From the moment you become a homeowner whether of a big or small home, comfort is one of the main things people look for. Most people take this very seriously because the best feeling is to be able to relax and be comfortable while at home. Small-space living requires high levels of organization and creativity to make storage spaces.

Some of these creative ideas are; installing sliding doors, using natural light floaty curtains, using wide flooring planks and coloured ceilings. Every aspect of the decor will come together to give off a spacious and comfortable feel.

There are numerous ways in which you can get your apartment to feel more at home and serene, below are some of them.


1. Creative Storage Solutions

Before moving into a small house it is always a good idea to bring in some experts who will install clever storage solutions that will help keep the house organized and neat. This is done by building some cabinetry on the uppermost walls, corners, drawers attached to furniture, and sliding doors.

All that is needed is a creative contractor, a carpenter, and some tools. This will not only improve on the coziness but it will be easier to bring in that much-needed solace.


2. Use of Bright or Neutral Colors

As people are different, so is their perspective about every other aspect of their lives. This is no different when it comes to color partiality. Some people find bright and bold colors relaxing, and comfortable while others like things neutral and calm.

Whichever the case, the color of your walls, furniture, bedding, or the entire color theme of a house will go a long way to make you feel more at home. Today there are millions of color palettes to choose from so this should be a very easy thing to do with the help of some experts.


3. Add Plants To Your Decor

Plants add a great ambiance to any place they put be it an office, a home, or a hospital.
A bit of nature in your space can be a great way to relax. A few carefully placed greenery in your home is sure to give that cozy and tranquil feel.

Plants also play a role in decor; apart from growing gracefully and adding to the freshness of the house, they also add a touch of elegance even more when some produce beautiful flowers. If you are a plant enthusiast then maintenance should be easy. If not then you could go for plants that require less attention to keep alive.

These are some plants that are suitable for indoor decor;

  • Snake plant
  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Chinese evergreen
  • Peace lily
  • Asparagus plant
  • Rubber plant
  • Peperomia


4. Declutter

Clutter in a small space will only take up space that can otherwise be used to improve the house. Moving things around your home while removing those that are not used or needed is a great way of making a home feel comfortable.

Sometimes it is good to go through items in the house no matter how little they are and remove all the items that are no longer in use. This process can be relaxing for some people and doing this creates more space in the apartment for newly acquired possessions.

Rearrange your wardrobe, kitchen, and food storage more often, this will help with easy access and also add to your relaxing time.


5. Adopt A Minimalist Lifestyle

A minimal lifestyle means deliberately living with fewer items or property maintaining the ones that are essential. A small place requires one to be less extravagant when buying anything for the apartment.

However, this does not mean that you have to compromise on any of the things you might want to do with your space. Being a minimalist simply means to keep things simple and elegant at the same time. Doing this opens up your space and adds a warm ambiance to the home making it very comfy and cozy.

You can do this by adding some uniform art, some texture to your furniture, and some bookcases. This applies to those people who like calm, peaceful, serene, and neutral spaces; contrary to this, they would not like toning down on their decor.


6. A Rug or Throw Blanket

A fluffy, comfy, and soft carpet works wonders when ensuring there is comfort when lounging in your home. A good rug will immediately set the comfortability ambiance for anybody stepping on it. This is because your feet will be protected from the coldness of the floor. Carpets also add some blending to your decor while adding a cozy feel to your home.

Throws are yet another addition that goes the extra mile to give comfort and relaxation while you are lying on a couch or a bed. They also aid in bringing a signature decor design to your home. These pieces can be throw pillows or blankets which are cuddly during a cold day, a movie night, or just a rest day.


When buying these, quality and texture are key because long-lasting items and things that fuse well with home decor are essential.


7. Scent and Sound

A nice scent and some soothing music are a direct solution to an agitated mind. There is never a doubt that when comfort and relaxation are needed these two come in handy to save the day.

When it comes to scent, there are numerous solutions to choose from ranging from candles, diffusers, home fragrances, and potpourri. Make a choice that speaks to you in a calming way so as to achieve that comfort effect every time you are at home.

Everyone has their go-to playlist for every mood in the day. Music never fails to deliver what is needed. Smooth, calming music will automatically help enhance comfort in your home. If you are not into loud music a pair of Bluetooth earphones would work just fine.

These two are a great combination when taking a day off from the outside world and you just want to relax in the bathtub and relax.


8. Add in Your Personal Touch

There are several things that radiate personality to add to a home. Doing this will help one resonate with everything about that space and be comfortable. When choosing what to add to your place, you need to think about all the things you like about yourself that make you relax.

Some of these items could be; favorite books, pieces of art, photo frames, a mural, or a board containing encouraging quotes and affirmations. It does not have to be too elaborate, it could be small and simple so as not to take up space.

Position them strategically so that they are visible in every area of the house. This will also give your home some identity and some tranquility.




Small-space living is a great solution if you are living alone and you need to save or just to be adventurous in your house. During the period you are living there, comfort is mandatory because a home is a place where you need to feel safe, relaxed, and able to unwind. It also needs to feel like a cuddly hug or a warm cup of coffee. There are several ways to boost comfort in tiny apartments: a few changes or add-ons here and there and you are all set.