Don't Wait Until It's Too Late:
Signs Your Roof Needs Replacing


While not always visible, your roof is essential to the house. It shields you and your family safe from rain, the heat of the sun, snow, and so much more. That makes it one of the sturdiest parts of the house-imagine all the possible abuse it can take!

That's why no matter how durable it is, it will eventually wear down, get damaged, and must be replaced. And how do you know that you'll need a new roof? Check out these five signs you shouldn't ignore.


There Is Damage In And Out Of The House.

Go up to your roof. If you see the following, you might need a roof replacement:

  • You have plenty of missing shingles, which could lead to water leaking into your ceiling.
  • Your roof is starting to sag.
  • The shingles are complete, but they're starting to curl up or are cracking, which means they have compromised integrity.

And if for some reason you can't go up to your roof, go to the highest floor of your house and look at the ceiling. If there are brown or yellow marks and peeling paint, those all point to water leaks which means roof damage. And if there happens to be sunlight coming in the room from the ceiling, that means there are already holes in your roof that need to be addressed.

moss on roof


Your Roof Is Old.

Roofs are tough, but as mentioned, they can wear out over time. The older a roof is, the more likely you'll need to replace it. You should know when it was installed-if it's been over twenty years, you definitely need a new one.

However, it would help if you also took note of the material of your roof since some will really last longer. Metal roofs, for example, will last longer than asphalt shingles. So if you have a metal roof, you just might need to have it repaired instead of replaced. If you live in Indiana, for example, looking up metal roofing in fort wayne should yield some results. Simply do a quick search for the roofing options available near you.


There Are Signs of Growth.

Moss is usually not a problem, but if it's growing on your roof, that's a different story. Now, moss or other growth doesn't usually mean you need a new roof. However, it might mean trapped moisture there enables that kind of growth-which can also ruin your roof in the long run.

Aside from moss, there can also be mold and fungi growth, which is unhealthy for you, and can cause additional damage to your roof. Those growths can even invite other living things to move up to the top of your house, further compromising your roof's quality.


Your Neighbors Are Having Theirs Replaced.

This is a time when it's okay to be a nosy neighbor. That's especially if you know that your house was built around the same time as theirs and is made from the same materials. If they're getting theirs replaced, you likely need yours replaced too.


Roofers Say So.

Do you know the best sign to indicate that you need a new roof? That's when you get a roof inspection done, and the contractor says that your roof is beyond repair or at least is better replaced than repaired. Take the professional's word for it and start the roof replacement process so that you won't face any problems from putting it off, such as leaking rain.


Final Thoughts

To sum up, maintaining and replacing your roof when necessary is crucial for its effectiveness. Signs of damage such as missing, sagging, curling, or cracking shingles, water stains, and growth should not be ignored. The age and material of your roof, along with advice from professionals, should also be considered.

By staying alert and taking action promptly, you can ensure a safe home and good health while enjoying the continued protection of your roof.