Affordable Business SEO Small



Firstly dont put the cart before the horse

Remember that you cant do SEO (Search Engine Optimization or optimize your web site for search engines) until you've researched keywords. Furthermore you cant research keywords without a clear view of your target market, your prospect types, and how your offerings fill their needs.


Affordable Small Business SEO Generally speaking Affordable Small Business SEO not only uses the same old business and marketing basics, but also leverages the depth of accessible metrics for creating increased online traffic and better web site ROI According to experts when small business people ask them how their web site could be improved by SEO, they give them some version of the following list of questions. When you are aware of the answers to these questions, you're much less likely to waste money on SEO efforts, and more likely to succeed online. As a matter of fact you might even pull off some of this stuff yourself- and that'll save you big in consultant fees! And that's where to find the right keywords to target with SEO and/or PPC, consider the following:


Goals: It involves how much monthly traffic and sales do you get now In addition where would you like these numbers to be What are your most wanted feedbacks- what do you want your ideal prospects to do on your site (e.g. purchasing something, sign up for your ezine, etc)

Market Segmentation: Whos your perfect customer or target market. In case if there is more than one group, characterize each

Keywords that work: How do people get to your site. Most importantly what search phrases show up in your web logs


PPC Metrics: Moreover do you already use pay per click (PPC) advertising. What are your conversion rates by the way. Are your bids profiting in nature, or at least breaking even.

Fact remains that getting more traffic is pointless if your site isn' t an efficient sales machine.


Profit Margin: You must know what is your online profit margin for each offering.

Conversion Rate: Regarding conversion rate, what percentage of your offline prospects make the purchase. (It includes gauging expected conversion rate for your services and find disparity in online results)


Customer Loyalty: How many individual are on your ezine list. How many times do you email them. And of course what do you send them.

5 General Critical Website Errors and How to Fix Them.

According to one study about 75% of the web sites make all of these mistakes. Because of this reason, their rankings and traffic suffer, and they lose potential sales revenues.


No Sitemap:

Remember that no matter how well your pages are designed and no matter how nice the graphics are, every site need a good sitemap page for search engines to index it more easily In an ideal scenario this is a simple page of links- no frills except perhaps a bulleted outline structure. Even ideal, you can use the new Google sitemap XML template, and upload it to Google to increase the chances they'll index your whole site.


Insufficient Search Engine and Directory Submission:

In the perfect cyberworld, you wouldn' t have to submit your site anywhere- it would just get indexed and put where your prospects could find you The fact of the matter is we still have to meet these services halfway. Theoretically speaking there are only a half dozen super-big sources of traffic (e.g. Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.), but you have a better chance of showing up in them if you' ve submitted your site to the 100-200 minor directories and search engines What' s more, there are niche directories that will help you rank on your best keywords and attract more prospects directly Submit your site to these locations with a free tool like WebCEO.


Mysterious Website Owners:

Your visitors want to know, "who are the individuals behind this website. Can they trust you. Until and unless you have a particularly snobby target market, put your picture and brief bio on the very first page of your site (if not every page) It is of utmost importance that you let them know who you are At first glance this might be taboo in offline marketing (not really- look at Ben & Jerry, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, etc), but online, genuine personality is a competitive advantage More often than not it fosters trust, creates credibility and emotional bonds, and bridges the cold gap of cyberspace You can do it appropriately for majority of target markets. The real question now arises: are you ready for the prime time.


Confusing Site Structure:

Is your site confusing people? Are you tracking where they want to go? What they're really looking for? Most importantly where do you want them to go? Better site structure both guides your various prospect types to the places you want them to go and satisfies their needs That' s why get some of your target market to sit in front of you and use your website - watch what they do. And in addition put a search engine on your website that gives you reports on what people search for - you'll get clues about what else to put online.


Ezine Neglect:

The ezine registration form isn't prominent on some sites. Make it obvious and sell it to your visitors on signing up. You may be asking why. Not every individual will become your customer the first time they reach your site. They may be interested in your offerings but not trust you enough yet or be ready to buy They may have plenty of questions. Once you have them added on your list, you can sell them on you and your stuff (by helping them with tips) every week or two until they buy.

Not only do they require a free bonus to stimulate them to sign up, they also need to know what kind of thing you'll be sending them, that you'll keep their email address private, and that they can unsubscribe anytime.


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