



Lotus are 5 species of water lilies, 3 in the genies, Nymphet and 2 in Elmo; both genera are members of the water lily family, Nymphet lotus, and The Egyptian white lotus, is believed to be the original sacred lotus of ancient Egypt. It and the Egyptian blue lotus, N. cerulean, were often pictured in ancient Egyptian art. The common Egyptian “lotus” is actually correctly called a water lily: the white lotus opens at dusk, the blue water lily opens in the morning. The white lotus is a shallow water, night-blooming plant with a creeping rootstock (rhizome) that sense up long-stocked, nearly circular, dark green leathery leave, which float on the surface. The flowers, up to 2.5 cm (10”) across, remain open until midday. The blue lotus is a smaller, less showy day-blooming plant.


Spiritual Enlightenment:

The Lotus flower as thousands of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this flower essence’s purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level with in the system.

The blue lotus was native to the Nile and is to be abundant. It s narrow, pointed petal and round, spotted leaves appear as the more common lotus in every conceivable opportunity for Egyptian artistic imagery. Often the leaf spots are not shown, are even the leaf.

The white lotus’ rounded petals appear with round, scalloped edge leaves. The red lotus was introduced to Egypt

from Persia in later dynasties.


Common Names:

Blue Lotus, Egyptian Lotus, Blue Water Lily, Sacred Narcotic Lily of the Nile. It is Nymphet cerulean (blue lotus) which was used in ancient Egypt as a key to good health, sex and rebirth.



Nymphet cerulean flowers in the spring should be planted in sunny positions in medium or clay loam.

Habitat: Grows along lakes and rivers in wet soil.

Represented in ancient Egyptian art. The blue lotus was found scattered over Tutankhamen’s body when the Pharaoh’s tomb was opened in 1922. Many historians thought it was a purely symbolic flower, but these may be some reason to believe that ancient Egyptians used it to induce an ecstatic state, stimulation, stimulation, and/or hallucinations, as well as being widely used as a general remedy against illness, and to this day is used as a tonic for good health, consumed as an extract.


Indian National Flower:

The Lotus or the Water Lily is an aquatic plant with broad floating green leaves and

bright fragrant flowers that grow only in shallow waters. Based on the color of its flower, it is divided into tow types, the red lotus flower and the white lotus flower. The beautiful flowers float and have many petals overlapping in a symmetrical pattern. lotus, prized for their serene beauty, are delightful to behold as their blossoms open on the surface of a pond.


Mythology and Symbolism of the Lotus Flower:

In India the sacred lotus is legendary and much folklore and religious mythology is woven around it. Rich in meaning and metaphor, the Lotus symbolizes divinity, fertility, wealthy, knowledge and not to forget enlightenment...

It is associated with the goddess of wealth Mahan Larksome, who brings prosperity, purity, chastity and generosity. She is the embodiment beauty, grace and charm. She sits on fully blossomed lotus flower, symbolizing purity, beauty and everything that is good


colorful flowers