Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas:

Christmas is truly a global celebration, celebrated all over the world irrespective of being Christian. The traditions, food, climate, culture, country allied differ from one place to other but the spirit of the day surpasses all the differences. December is impending and so is the celebration of Christmas.


Word Christmas

The word Christmas comes from the words cristes maesse, or Christs mass. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for the Christians, followers of Christianity. Most of researches show that first celebration of Christmas took place in about 336 A.D. in Rome. Christmas is both holiday as well as holiday. In America, this festival is the most important for all the people following Christianity and the children specially. Christmas is celebrated with great gusto and joy.


Food and feasting

Food and feasting seem to be the universal qualities of the Christmas celebration. Where the original population of a country has been influenced by the introduction of Europeans, the Christmas feast centers around the coast. The typical cakes and the foodstuff are prepared for the Christmas.


Wonderful celebration

Christmas is thought to be the most wonderful time of the year, focusing the participants on giving, family togetherness, beautiful music, and decorations, feasting on special foods and singing Christmas carols throughout the celebration. All the celebration is centered on the worship of Jesus Christ. This is the most beautiful celebration of the year, Christmas. This festival is celebrated all over the world irrespective of the religion. All the people enjoy and celebrate this festival keeping in mind the main purpose of the celebration, with great enthusiasm and joy.



Traditions are the most important part of the Christmas celebrations. Although changes are, appropriate sometimes. There are about billions of people, Christians, in the world with the largest religion population, celebrating Christmas. Because Christians follow Jesus Christ, the birth of Jesus Christ is important to the. In America, the weeks leading up to Christmas are the biggest shopping weeks of the year. Many retailers make up to 70 percent of their annual revenue in the month preceding Christmas. Therefore, retailers hype the prices beyond belief. In this festival, there is a tradition of gifting your loved ones. The tradition of gifts seems to have started since the early times.


December 25

No one actually knows when actually was Jesus Christ born, but surely was born in the month of December. The idea to celebrate Christmas on December 25 originated in the fourth century. Although the actual season of the birth of Jesus Christ is spring, the date of December 25 was chosen for official celebration of birthday of Christ. Christmas was slow to catch on in America, later it was. The celebration of Christmas was banned by the law, later was allowed and the rule was broken. Originally, the celebration of Christmas involved a simple mass, but over time, Christmas has replaced a number of other holidays in most of the countries, and a large number of traditions have been absorbed in the celebration in the process.