Designer bags are the style statement today. We tend to match shoes, earrings, accessories with clothes. Bags are an important part of our whole attire. The perfect cut and colour to go with the style and to match the whole with our clothes is an art. Some can carry anything well and flaunt it with confidence as if it were a thousand dollar thing. Built designer bags have their own charm and sophistication which is other wise hard to get. Buying your first designer purse can be quite an experience. You first have to know what type of bag you're looking for as well as if the designer you're looking to purchase from has anything like it. Most of the time, you've already seen the bag that you want and it's just a matter of spending the money to get it.
This is where the problem can be depending on if you have the money to purchase the bag or if you're going to try and find the same designer bag for half the price. But cheap bags are not reliable. The problem of authenticity looms large but this authenticity comes with a price. If you want the good stuff then you have to spend good money.
So when you want to go there to get what you want you have to look at the materials and fabrics that are used. Everything from stitching to fabrics should speak of quality, class and best of what is available. Today it is getting harder and harder to spot the fakes because the knock off manufacturers are so good at duplicating a replica that you just may not be able to tell. The only way to be totally certain about the designer bag you buy is to purchase one from the real sellers. If in doubt about those who say they are official sellers, then contact the designer named house for verification.
Another mistake one shouldn?t make is purchasing designer stuff online unless it is from the designer house official web-site and you are sure about the kind of end product being delivered. The upgraded replica terminology may be employed by
To go on to however satisfy our carving for a designer bag lets get into the trend arena where we seek a variety of looks. The career woman gets down to business with a no-nonsense sleek leather clutch. Though often black, is sometimes seen in dark browns or eye-popping reds. The streamlined and structured clutch is typically a long, horizontal rectangle. The funtastic girl-next-door slings a powder pink monogrammed hobo over her shoulder on the way to the mall. Whimsical purses with butterflies, floral embellishments, pastel crochet designs or straw are popular with kids, tweens and teens, and even for older woman getting in touch with their girly sides. Materials like crocheted rayon, colored paper straw, seagrass, raffia and cornhusk are all making their purse debut.
Linen and canvas handbags
with Indian and Asian-inspired designs are also catching on. Vintage purses from the 1920's and 1930's are also making their fashionable return with little under-the-arm beaded evening bags and vintage touches such as embroidery and flower accents, mother-of-pearl zipper pulls and snap closures, fur trims and carved mother of pearl and wooden handles.
As for style the few purse models that are the most popular are, Coin Purse which is a small pouch used for carrying loose change; usually has a zip or snap closure. Cigar Box Purses are rigid, square or rectangular shaped boxes with a stiff handle. Leather Purses are any purse crafted out of leather. Monogrammed Purses are those which have the first initial or first and last initial featured on the bag. Dog Purses are those purses which are large enough to tote a small dog like the one Paris Hilton carries. Evening Bags are a class in themself. they are gathered or straight bags, typically made of showy materials like silk, rhinestones, beads, pearls, fur and sequins. License Plate Purses are fashioned out of recycled license plates. A Jelly Handbag is made from rubberized PVC jelly. Backpack Purses are mini backpacks while Photo Purses have images directly printed onto the fabric of the purse.
So take your pick from the one that you want.