Top Tips For Finding Your Ideal Roommate


person throwing a box to another person. Image by Pexels


Living with the right roommate can have a huge impact on your home life. Whether you're moving into a new city, have a spare room to offer, or simply looking to split the rent, choosing the right person to live with requires a lot of thought.

We've got you covered. Here are some of our top tips to help you find your ideal roommate and create the perfect, harmonious living situation.


What Makes a Good Roommate?

Knowing what makes a good roommate can help you identify the person that's right for you. Here are some important qualities to look for in a roommate:

  • Respectfulness – A good roommate respects your space, privacy, and belongings. They stick to the household rules.
  • Communication – Issues always come up! Good roommates will be willing to discuss them and find solutions.
  • Reliability – A good roommate should pay rent on time, maintain cleanliness, and follow through on commitments.
  • Consideration – Thoughtfulness regarding noise levels, shared spaces, and the needs of others will make living together a breeze.
  • Flexibility – Life is unpredictable, and a good roommate will be willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

Living with someone who embodies these qualities can have huge positive impacts on your mental health, well-being, and overall satisfaction.


Define Your Preferences and Deal-Breakers

Before starting your search for a roommate, think about your own living preferences. Create a list that includes:

  • Your living habits – Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you prefer a quiet, serene environment, or do you thrive in a lively household with lots of social interaction?
  • Cleanliness – How tidy do you keep your living space?
  • Guest policy – How often do you plan on having guests over? Would you be happy with overnight visitors?
  • Pet policy – If you have pets or plan to get one, make sure your potential roommate is comfortable with animals.

Identifying these factors will help you filter out incompatible candidates right from the get-go, saving you time and even conflict down the road.


Utilize a Roommate Finder: Use SpareRoom

Roommate matching services are designed to help you find compatible living partners, filtering out people that you won't get on with.


Why SpareRoom?

SpareRoom is a highly-rated roommate matching service that caters to a wide range of living arrangements, from shared apartments to houses. Here are some of the features that make SpareRoom stand out:

  • Detailed profiles – Users can create comprehensive profiles that include information about their lifestyle, preferences, and what they're looking for in a roommate. This level of detail helps match you with someone whose living habits align with yours.
  • Search filters – SpareRoom offers advanced search filters that allow you to narrow down potential roommates based on various criteria, such as budget, location, and availability.
  • Buddy-Up feature – If you don't have a place yet, SpareRoom's Buddy-Up feature allows you to find other individuals looking for a roommate, so you can collectively search for a property that suits everyone.
  • Safety and security – The platform includes features that enhance safety, such as the option to verify profiles and read reviews from previous roommates.

Using a roommate-matching service like SpareRoom can simplify your search, providing a streamlined list of potential roommates that meet your criteria.


Conduct Thorough Interviews

Once you've identified potential roommates, conduct interviews to make sure they're compatible with you. Consider asking about their daily routines, work and sleep schedules, cleaning habits, and social habits. These are all things that can help you get a well-rounded idea of who you're letting into your home. For example, if you're an early bird who likes to sleep before 9 pm, a sociable night owl who enjoys partying might not be a great fit for you.


Trust Your Instincts

Your gut feeling can be a powerful indicator of compatibility. If you feel uneasy or have any reservations about a potential roommate, it's important to trust those instincts. It's better to wait a bit longer for the right person than to rush into a living situation that could become problematic.


Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations

It's important to set clear boundaries and expectations early on to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Here are a few things you should discuss with potential roommates.

  • Cleaning – Establish a cleaning routine that means shared spaces remain tidy.
  • Bill payments – Decide how much rent to charge and ensure your roommate understands their financial responsibilities.
  • Noise levels – Set guidelines for acceptable noise levels, especially during nighttime or if someone is working from home.
  • Guest policies – Agree on how often your roommate can invite guests over and any restrictions on overnight stays


Regular Check-Ins

Once you've found your ideal roommate and they've settled in, checking in with them regularly can help you maintain a peaceful living environment. Schedule meetings to discuss any issues, whether that's maintenance or changes in living arrangements. These informal check-ins are essential for addressing any concerns before they escalate.



Finding your ideal roommate involves a combination of self-awareness, effective use of resources like SpareRoom, and clear communication. By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of finding a roommate who shares your living habits and contributes to a positive home environment.