Apartment Plumbing:
How to Deal with Leaks and Drips


kitchen faucet. Image by Pixabay


Owning a house is for sure a great thing, however, at times, living in it can be nerve-wracking because there are numerous issues that may arise inside of it. One of the most common problems that may occur is a water leak.

Those who have dealt with it in the past will tell you that it's a real nightmare because it can cause massive damage to your house which can be extremely expensive. What's awful about it is that it can happen out of nowhere.

You can simply wake up one day, only to realize that you are looking at a puddle of water. Although something like this can be very stressful, there are steps that you can take to tackle it. If God forbid this strikes you, then these are the things that you need to do.


First And Foremost - Seek Professional Help!

These sorts of problems shouldn't be taken lightly because if they aren't handled properly, can seriously damage your household. That's exactly why you should immediately call a professional.

Why is this so essential? Bear in mind that these people have the necessary knowledge and experience that allows them to successfully combat any plumbing-related issues. These people have spent many years educating themselves, which makes them experts in this line of work.

Additionally, a seasoned plumber knows exactly what needs to be done to solve your problem with leaks efficiently and in a timely manner. In these types of situations, underground leak detection is pivotal which is something that only a professional plumber can execute the right way. As concluded above, they have the necessary equipment and tools to cater to different plumbing demands and needs.


You Must Turn Off The Water Immediately!

If you need to wait for a while before the plumber arrives, then you need to take matters into your own hands. Therefore, as soon as you notice that the water has flooded your house, you need to turn off the water in an instant.

If you fail to do this, you are only going to make things worse. That's why that's the first thing that you must do by utilizing the stopcock. But where can it be found? Typically, it's situated on the ground floor of your household, below the kitchen sink.

Once you find it, be sure to turn it off. After that, you should turn on the cold water tap to drain the pipes.


You Need To Figure Out What Led To This

There are many things that can cause the leak, and you are the one (at least until professional help arrives) who needs to determine what led to this, referring to the source of this issue. For starters, you should take a look at the pipes under the sink, along with the hoses behind the appliances.

Keep in mind that sometimes, you may not be able to determine the cause of this right off the bat. That's because some issues are not immediately noticeable. Why is that? Well, that's because water goes through the path of least resistance.

In some instances, you'll be forced to check a bit further away from the spot of the initial water damage to figure out what caused the water leaks. One of the best ways to do so is by pouring water in various areas of your house, in a controlled way, of course.

If you notice that a leak or drip has become worse, then you'll uncover the source of the problem. Just keep in mind that it's not something that you'll be able to unveil quickly. On the contrary. It's actually a pretty time-consuming process.


You Must Also Turn Off The Heating

Here's another practical advice that you can implement, while you are waiting for an experienced plumber to come. Why is this an important thing to do? Well, that's because, in most cases, people do not have the slightest idea where their leak is coming from, whether it is from the heating system or not.

This is some sort of a preventative measure in case the problem is in the heating system. For starters, you should turn off the water supply from the system by employing the shut-off valve that's close to the boiler.

Once you do that, then you should turn on the hot water tap so you can properly drain the system. The next step is to turn off the boiler.


Moving On To Electricity

If you doubt that the leak is situated next to the electrical sockets, appliances, or switches, then you must turn off the electricity right now. By doing so, you are going to safeguard fittings that are, unfortunately, oftentimes damaged by these sorts of inconveniences.

At the same time, you are going to make sure that you, along with the space you live in are properly protected, at least, until the plumber arrives.


You Must Dry The Area That's Affected By This

If you've managed to successfully find the source of this problem, and, concurrently, stop the water flow, then it's time to get rid of the standing water and dry the region that's been affected by this.

Some of the best things that you can use for these purposes are fans, towels, and dehumidifiers. With them, you'll be able to dry any area thoroughly. Why is it so important to react fast in these types of situations?

Well, if you fail to do so, and you keep on postponing this, then you'll increase the chances of dealing with mold, and what's even worse is the fact that you'll cause further damage to your house, which means that everything that's in your possession is going to be destroyed.


Do Whatever It Takes To Prevent This From Happening Ever Again

If a plumber tackled water leaks and drips successfully, then now, it's up to you to take certain steps to prevent this from happening again. This means that you should check the pipes on a regular basis, and take specific preventative measures during winter because then major water leaks can potentially occur.


Even though it's completely understandable if you are currently under a lot of stress and very overwhelmed by all of this, you must still implement all of these steps if you do not want to make things worse.

Water dripping from a faucet. Image by Pixabay