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Small Business Mailing List

Every businessman whether small or big strives for expansion. The process depends mainly on the customer base. Well there are many who can buy, one should just reach them. To bridge this gap between a business and its customers mailing lists helps greatly. Mailing lists include the names and address of customers.

A business mailing list is either B2B or direct mail. The B2B mailing lists has address of relevant businesses, where as the direct mailing list has address of customers. These lists are different of each type of businesses. A business man can customize a list according to his needs and products.

Business mailing lists help greatly during marketing campaigns. The success of the campaign further depends on the reliability and accuracy of the business information. The lists is used for direct mail, telemarketing, and also for email marketing.

A business mailing helps to find the following opportunities:

• Collect valuable industry information of B2B campaigns,

• Tap and identify the most profitable customers.

• Finding new prospects in the same industry and its segments.

• A list helps segment the business targets and calculate their potential, in accordance to the industry.

• A list is useful resource for the sales staff.

Quality, Availability, Intelligence

For obtaining an accurate and high quality list maintaining high standards of the data quality is extremely important. The standards include proper integration of information which also includes capturing, correcting and maintaining accurate data. Without proper quality standards the information in the business list may be inaccurate, incomplete, redundant or fictitious. In such a case relaying on the business mailing lists may lead to significant financial losses. However,

normally the address of the business changes, along with the employee turnover, in such a case even a quality list can detoriate over the time.

A good quality business list is visible in form of return on investment over the time.

Customizing a business mailing list

Every industry as a different clientele and very company in the same industry has a different policy. Not all companies have the same marketing policy and sales strategies. Depending on the individual needs a company can generate a customized business mailing list for itself. Small or big each company likes to serves a special clientele thus a customized list can help greatly. A customized list has detailed information about the required industry based on all determinants.

Determinants of a business mailing list

The composition of a business mailing list includes several variables. A company to customize its mailing list can have any of the following variables:

1. Name and Address of the Company

This is the most important variable of any business mailing list. The fields under this variable include:

• Business name

• Primary address

• State

• Country

• ZIP code

• Latitude

• Longitude

• Geo Code Match Flag


• and Secondary address

2. Size of the business

When making a B2B mailing list often the names are included along with the size of the company. The size determining variables of a business include:

• Local employees

• Total employees

• Local sales

• and Total sales

3. Business and Marketing Affiliation

The fields under this variable include the following information about the listed company:

• Location type

• Brand or Franchises codes

• Ultimate Parent ID

• Ultimate Parent name

• Subsidiary Parent ID

• Subsidiary Parent name

• Ultimate Site Number

4. Details of the Company

Having the details of the listed determines the quality and accuracy of the business list. This variable encompasses the following fields:

• Telephone number

• Fax number

• Year 1st appeared

• Ad size

• Contact name

• Contact title

• Gender

Online Business Mailing Lists

Small businesses can also go for an online business lists. An online business lists serves similar to the conventional. Moreover, it allows the company to email all those listed. There are many online business mail listing sites which provide with access to the most comprehensive business information and market analysis. On the other hand there one can also use a business mailing list application.

The online solutions can help small companies in the following:

• To evaluate current market performance.

• To tap and evaluate market opportunities.

• Identifying, scoring and ranking prospects.

• Integrating consumer data.

• Define the most profitable customers.

• Analyze the company place in the market.

• Identify and reach prospects in the same industry.

Benefits of a Business Mailing list to Small Businesses

Increase sales and revenue :

Using a mailing list one can establish personal relationship with the customers. Moreover, a business mailing list is the most important resources that help an enterprise to bridge the communication gap with customers. A healthy relationship with the clients leads to increase in the sales, eventually revenue.

Building trust with customers :

A businesses mailing list enables a company to be in regular tough with its customers. In fact by mailing credible information one can build the trust of the customers thus enhance the image of the company.

Useful for expansion :

With help of business mailing list the client base of any company expands. A wide client base is extremely necessary for any company to grow. A business mailing list helps to determine the most profitable clients thus supporting the marketing and sales effort of the company.

Increase the success rate of the marketing campaign

Since the clientele and the market is identified with help of the business mailing list. A company can focus its marketing efforts in the right direction, thus the list not only save time but also the helps in success of the marketing campaign.

In todays competitive market for small companies to survive and thrive it is very important that they know their customers and make deep relation with them. For every company to grow it is very important that is marketing is proper, and it is targeting the right customers. A business mailing list here helps greatly. Every big journey begins with a small step and with a accurate business mailing list the journey can become easier.

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