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Small Business Mailing Lists

Small business mailing lists are quite helpful for small to medium sized businesses that want to increase their customer base via direct mail. This method is more or less like firing a shotgun into the water and hoping to hit some fish; most pellets will miss, but some will strike. For majority of small businesses, direct mail marketing campaigns are the most cost-effective way to

approach new and existing customers. Taking into account their budget constraints, small businesses need to be extra careful in targeting consumers based on extensive demographic data. These marketers required increasing their campaigns to reach those customers whose interests and incomes best match their requirements. Furthermore there is no margin for error with outdated or inaccurate mailing lists.

Fact remained that with a well-honed, targeted mailing list, a small business can hope for a better rate of investment (ROI) than mailing randomly. When taking the services of a reputable list broker or vendor, the marketer must ensure that the lists supplied are targeted, updated and legally sold. It is quite important that lists should be updated every three to six months.

In addition a marketer should aim at a healthy 5% ROI when starting the direct mail campaign. A test run is very crucial before mailing the piece to the prospect base, to gauge the impact of the piece.

Keeping these things aside, The Business Advantage is a searchable online database that helps small businesses in expanding their customer base with its

in-depth regional business and marketing directory services. Remember that small businesses can easily custom-build a B2B database or a targeted business list based on criteria such as business type, SIC code, or size of business.

Business mailing lists considerably enhance the power of a companys marketing campaign. Large chunk of companies buy mailing lists to help bolster their advertising. These lists in an ideal scenario target consumers by demographic lifestyles and purchase behavior, and target businesses by standard industrial classification (SIC) code, sales volume or size.

In majority of cases, the mailing lists put on sale are actually rented from the owners. This rent transaction normally works on agreements for one-time use, as well as unlimited usage for restricted time periods. It is advisable that you list owners insert dummy names to track the use of their lists and ensure that they are not used beyond the agreement parameters. List owners also normally want to review the direct mail piece or telemarketing script before they rent the list.

Lists are generally sold for single use (a premium needs to be paid for multiple uses) and cost between $65 and $85 per thousand records. These lists come in the form of disk, tape, and printouts or pressure-sensitive labels. Residential lists are cheaper in nature, at $20 per thousand. List owners generally keep a minimum order requirement.

Taking the help of right B2B mailing lists can mean a profitable direct mail campaign. It is pivotal to locate targeted mailing lists that have well-known sources and a track record of getting high responses.

The quality of the lists on the other hand depends on how much experience the list broker has in the direct marketing industry. The mailing list broker can be termed as a professional marketer and consultant, who find the right mailing lists best suited to the specified marketing campaign, and during the list rental process provides mailing list analysis, offers recommendations, and handles all monetary transactions.

Selling mailing lists in longer run can prove to be a profitable sideline to any mail order business. Majority of dealers rely on "direct mail" to promote their goods or services. These are the people that are always interested in good, fresh prospects. The most famous classifications of names are "Opportunity Seekers", "Cash Customers" and "Mail Order Dealers". Mail order dealers are the simpler names to obtain. To get them, all you have to do is copy the names & addresses of advertisers from present mail order trade publications. For an ideal selection of mail order magazines and newspapers, and answer ads for "Big Mails".

"Opportunity Seekers" on the other hand are those that are looking for ways to earn extra income. "Cash Customers" are generally those that have made purchases.

It is of utmost significance that you never copy somebody else's lists. If you do this you could involve in "copyright infringement", a federal offense. Moreover, you could be duplicating old, stale lists. To attain success, your names & addresses must be fresh and accurate. If you follow that this will keep your customers coming back again and again. To begin, you need a computer or someone to type the names for you. You can look in your Yellow Pages under "Secretarial Services". Or as a matter of fact contact mail order dealers who sell names. Majority of them will do your typing at reasonable rates. Another alternative is to contact the typing teacher of your local high school or Business College. Students love to earn spending money-and its a practice for them, too.

The perfect way to have the names typed is across the page. You can take the help of white paper and a fresh black or red typewriter ribbon-never blue. Each 8 1/2" x 11" page will simply hold 50 names. In addition each page should also be carefully coded in either upper corner as to the page number, classification and date typed. Use any code you like, but one of the simplest is like this: "3CC10169". This clearly emphasizes page 3, cash customers, typed October 16, 1999.

The date is extremely significant. People change addresses more often than not in this country. Names more than 6 months old may be redundant. After this point of time, it is best to throw these names away. In other word, you can make a "follow-up" mailing to each name on your lists. You can send these letters first class with your return address plainly visible. On the other hand those that are "nixies" (undeliverable for one reason or another), should be deleted.

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