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Small Business Grants For Woman

According to a study sponsored by SBA, Women have owned a considerable portion of the business firms in United States. They owned more than one-third of the firms in US. Around ten percent of such firms are related to franchised businesses. But, no doubt women have definitely holding a major chunk of the business. It is well-known to everyone that, to run a business or a firm flow of

fund must be there on a continuous basis. Without incessant flow of fund, the business will suffer and therefore, grants for starting as well smooth running of a business plays a pivotal role.

It is obvious that, starting a business can be costly. Finding a grant needs lots of formalities and paper works and people have to sweat for the same. In many cases it has been observed that, it is not rosy to access for a grant in case the concerned person is a woman. But in reality, there are lots of grants even for the woman entrepreneurs. The grants are offered by both the Government and small as well big financial institutions or organizations. But, it may be difficult to choose the right grant or the right place. Searching for a grant can be done in a planned way and thereby a grant for woman can be found with easy steps.

It is no longer a secret that, woman have started to play with the word called business and thus entering to new businesses everyday. Empowering of women has become an old topic to discuss as on the passage of time, woman has proved that, they have excelled in all walks of life. But, definitely Business woman is still a buzzword. The businesses owned by woman have resulted positive signals and they are gradually climbing in the success graph compared

to man. Literary, there are thousands of grants available for the woman to run their own business. The areas of business may be of various types. To name a few, consultation business, brokerage, craft business, record labels, etc. By this time, we are quite sure that, grants for business woman are available but accurate information about where and how to get the same may be difficult to find.

It is a not a truth that, government grants are not available for woman. But, in reality women have the largest opportunity out of any group to get benefit from the Governments generosity. Why It is quite clear that women represent the single largest voting bank in the United States. In other way, one might say that, the only way the men and women sharing the power and going to stay in power are to provide the women what they want. It may be a controversial statement, but there are valid reasons to say like this.

The new facts are showing that, every year around 500000 women start their own business. Now-a-days, two out of three new businesses are started by women. Market researchers are also convinced that, women are showing more results in comparison to men. Women readers would be happy to know that, there is 75% greater chance for a woman to succeed in the business. But, only question is they should share all forms including franchised business.

Where to get these grants by women entrepreneurs Apart from Government grants, there are lots of private organizations to give grants. There are as many as hundreds of websites where women can find this information.

Small business grants for women are currently made available through lots of agencies such as thousands of Foundations working in this field as well Federal Grants programs. Their targets are to provide grants for three categories:

i) future women business owners,

ii) new business women owners, and

iii) Grants for women in business.

The private business grants are ranging from $500 to $10000. These ranges of grants can be earned in very easy steps. The grants can be even ranging from $10000 to $40000 for better use and looking more expansion. But, that depends on the area, size and business sector, which the women want to enter in to. The grants can be of two types: new business grants and existing business grants. In case of solid business plans, the maximum amount is no bar. To get these grants, the person should be a women US citizen, she should be over the age of 18 and a nominal fee has to be paid for processing or any kind of women development fund. Many such private sector grants can be obtained by even Canadian residents. The SBA (Small Business Administration) is also supporting this cause. They are doing lots of work to level the ratio both for women and men in the field of entrepreneurship.

At each and every step of developing and expanding a new flourishing business, the SBA has the facilities to extend support to women entrepreneurs such as counsel, teach, encourage and inspire. They have a check list for grants and support for women entrepreneur which is available in their website. Many other organizations are doing commendable work in this field. To name a few, they are

a) American Association of University Women,

b) Financial women International,

c) Count-me-in,

d) The Womens funding network,

e) NBC supplier diversity program website,

f) The Ada project for women, among many others.

Among the data giving sites, the most trusted one is The Ladies Club There are some sites which are only waiting to entertain women entrepreneurs. So, no need to waste time. You just have to log in or google to many sites where grants are available. Moreover, there are some other Government as well private agencies, which are working to save the women entrepreneurs by providing and aiding support against any kind of fraud. The aim of such organizations is to protect the interest of women entrepreneurs. Some of them are:

a) Federal Trade Commission,

b) US Department of Justice,

c) Federal Bureau of Investigation,

d) National Fraud Information Centre,

e) National Financial Fraud Exchange,

f) North American Securities Administrative Association, etc.

With regard to US government, they have showed a good heart when it comes to give money for a women run businesses. Government has increasing in spending billions per year to support this cause. The growth in this area is nearly 12% per annum. It may sound from an elected representative that, they are cutting funds for these programs. But, in reality, they are cutting the rate of increase. But, cutting the total programme is not true. For example, if there is plan to increase the flow of grant to women entrepreneur at the rate of 10% in the coming year, they may curtail it to 5% but definitely not cutting the entire portion. The spending is still playing in billions. The opportunities provided by the Federal, State and Local Government can be of different types:

a) Government grants for women,

b) Government grants for minority women,

c) Womens business grants, d) simply womens grants, etc.

Even there are some provisions, where small grants for women have not to be paid back. As a women entrepreneur, you may think to start businesses like, a Coffee shop, Craft store, Community service project, etc. To receive a free grant (need not to pay back) the women has to start a programme like opening of a day care centre at home. Therefore, women folk interested for business dont worry. There are lots of opportunities lying before you.

Let us see how the Federal Government defines a Woman-owned small business The FAR defines that, Women-owned small business concern means a small business concern-

a) which is at least 51 percent owned by one or more women; or, in case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and

b) whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women.

If the women are conducting a business with the Federal Government, there is a 5 percent procurement goal for women which have been established by FASA, therefore, this agency has strongly recommending qualified women entrepreneurs. Moreover, there is no requirement of a certification in case it is a women run business. His is a provision under Federal Government rules.

In order to succeed, the interested women entrepreneur should have the ability to run a good show, the concerned woman should rightly point out the area of work which is more required in her locality and moreover she should concentrate on the product (area of business) which caters all most all the wants of the needy people. As and when the women entrepreneur understands the process, billions are money is available to disperse.

We can conclude the discussion by giving thrush to the fact that, there are lots of opportunities for the women entrepreneurs. Both Federal Government and other Agencies have provided ample infrastructure as well grant for the prospective women entrepreneurs. It is only to grab the right grant at the right place to prosper ones business.

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