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Small Business Internet


Small Business for every one through internet


The internet was initially developed for research and sharing information between computers. A concept developed by Pentagon, however, its powers were realized with the significant numbers of people getting attracted to it. The start of the internet revolution gave rise to more and more users a way to new ideas on capturing market and keeping people associated with new technology.

Rise in the number of people wanting to trade over the net became quite apparent. Today with cutting edge technology one can design webpage's with live video feeds, animated graphics, customized pictures and other media presentations which can be used to express anything. This gave an idea to start online business.

Initially the businesses were started just to generate business leads, market information and nothing else but today one can place an order from any part of the world and be rest assured that the product or service will be delivered to you. These Businesses at first faced a lot of hardships due to lot of scams and frauds that was circling the internet and many people found it hard to distinguish between real and fictitious companies. But slowly laws were passed against people committing crimes towards malicious code, fraud and other crimes that were seen in the early days of E-businesses. Privacy was another factor which is now backed by agreements that were made with the company and the end user which are known as End User License Agreement EULA.

Since the medium is fast, reliable and easy to access, most people prefer to launch a successful internet business rather than to start a regular business. Compared to other businesses, the internet business is easier to run, and also, the financial cost of setting up the internet business is relatively low. Hence

the internet became a medium for small home base businesses and the trend is still continuing.

Some Types of small Internet Business:

As the online medium is a competitive market and requires complete dedication and knowledge its good idea to know everything about it before venturing. Let see its types first:

Marketing business: This type of business can be run by marketing products exclusively or by marketing other big budget businesses. This type of business requires an eye-striking web page with all the information and purchasing options for the desire products. The business owner could also facilitate online purchasing by introducing secure and safe e-commerce mechanism. Promotion of web pages to online customers via search engines, email or other sources is also necessary.

Turnkey internet business: This type of business can be run by purchasing a website of an already established business sectors and run the business on the web platform provided by the established business. There are different types of turkey internet businesses such as promoting individual products or services to the online customers.

Internet services business: This type of businesses provides a specific service to the customers at reasonable rates. This type of business includes online consultancy, computer software assistance, and hardware trouble shoot etc.

Medical and healthcare business: In this type of businesses a complete online pharmacy is created and the services are offered to the online clients which include medical consultancy, selling of medications and other medical charges.

These are some main types and other kinds are entertainment websites, online chat and interaction dealing, email servers.

Effective Methods to Follow:

These might not be the only vital components of web based business but understanding them correctly will significantly improve chance of doing online business effectively.

Success of any business venture lies in proper planning so take time and write down your business plan.

Find a product or service which suits you and then try to expand sales of that products or services on the Internet.

It is critical to have a professional-looking website with good related content for the customer to choose the product or service and make decision.

Various quality portals that allow you to have products and services displayed on a single page web site for free are available initially go for such type. But for real time transactions an e-commerce web stores is required then think about getting an e-commerce stores from web enablers like Yahoo, Big step, etc.

The integral part of e-commerce sites, which allows you to accept product purchase orders for multiple products or services, is called a shopping cart should be provided.

A user can add products to shopping cart remove products from the cart or adjust the quantity of the products as per requirement before checking out and making payments.

consider the following aspects of a powerful and functional shopping cart:

Access should be visible clear Add, remove and adjust quantity of the product features should be prominent on the cart page.

Item name should have a link to the description of the product and saving option for future purchases.

Shipping and payment option should be clearly explained and order form should be provided with instructions. Security polices should be specified.

Set up a merchant account-a bank authorized account to offer the credit card payment option to online clients such as pay pal, e-gold, e-bullion, etc.,

Customer Service Tips:

For a well established internet business, it is necessary to provide a good quality customer service to the clients 24 hours. Whether or not you can provide live support, here are some hints to help you:

Be accessible by specifying all the ways a customer can contact you including email, phone, fax number and office hours.

Answer every email or phone call in the same day if possible and acknowledge order details by sending email confirmation or auto responder

Provide a clear return policy, honor it and learn from it. If a product is returned with no explanation, call the customer and see how you can satisfy them.

Ask for a feedback either through website or phone call. This will help in knowing about quality of service offered and also the quality of product.

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