How to Sell a House in a Bad Location


Some houses are located in excellent locations. They're in near-down shopping centers, downtown areas, or located within a prime school district. Properties in such neighborhoods are always flying off the market, with buyers presenting their offers within days of the listing going live. Other communities, however, aren't as appealing to house hunters.

Whether the properties are older and not as attractive, or the neighborhood is located in a high crime area, potential buyers may feel a particular home is in a lousy location. If you're attempting to sell a home in an area with a bad reputation, you have come to the right place.

Understanding Bad Locations

There are various reasons why house buyers might perceive a location as bad. Whatever the reason for their perception, bad neighborhoods can significantly impact homes' values by thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Train, watertower, powerline


Property located near any of the following areas often is detrimental to market value:

  • Noisy thoroughfares with a lot of traffic
  • Areas prone to weather damage, for example, properties located in floodplains.
  • Railroad tracks
  • Commercial or industrial properties
  • Utility structures such as waste, electrical, or nuclear power plants
  • Cemeteries
  • Noise pollution from nearby airports or freeways
  • High crime area
  • Dumps and landfills
  • Schools district
  • Government housing or government buildings
  • Odors from neighboring facilities, including factories and farms

Many of these are based on the buyer's preference. For example, young families would find it convenient to live nearby to schools, but they might not like to live right next door, where there will be a lot of congestion. Living near commercial areas and freeways can be convenient for transportation, but living too close generally is undesirable.


3 Practical Tips For Selling a Home in a Bad Location

If you're trying to sell a property in an undesirable location, these three tips can help you sell your home faster and for a better price:


1. Give Desirable Directions

Sometimes, buyers can take different routes to get to a house. Choose the way that showcases the most beautiful parts of your neighborhood.

2. Improve Your Home's Curb Appeal

Besides considering the home's location, many buyers take into account the house's condition.

A clean, well-kept home will quickly grab the attention of potential buyers. Taking care of the lawn, painting your trim and siding, decluttering your backyard, and staining your fence are good ways to enhance your home's look and feel without spending too much.

3. Staging the Home

Home staging is the process of decorating, rearranging furniture, and dressing up a home to make it more appealing to prospective buyers. Pro stagers transform and market the house to sell it faster and at top dollar.


Know Your Options

There's a buyer for every house, even one with a challenging location. Home buying companies in Saint Augustine offer great deals for homes, regardless of their condition, size, or location. If you are interested in a fast sale and don't want to spend thousands on repairs or staging, selling to reputable home buyers is an excellent choice.