How to Properly Use a French Press


For a full-blown coffee fan, a French Press Coffee Maker would be a great addition to your monotonous brewing methods. It is nothing more than a manual coffee maker that requires specialized focus and systematic steps to rekindle the lost entertainment of brewing your own cup of coffee.

In comparison to its competitor methods, this method allows you to avoid overheating the water or scalding the beans, two situations that are frequent in the other brewing methods.

Required Ingredients To Make French Press Coffee

Here's a list of essentials required to ensure your brewing is as seamless as possible.

Filtered Water - The best practice would be to use the same type of water you use to drink to brew your coffee. This is why filtered water is always preferred.

Coffee Beans - While there are a number of variants for the category of the best coffee beans, it really boils down to a matter of personal preference for each individual. Usually, French press experts suggest using medium and dark roast coffee which ensures slower extraction of oils, flavor, and character of brewing. No matter what type of coffee beans you choose, never compromise their quality.

Coffee Grinder - Since this is a manual coffee brewing process, it is recommended to grind your own beans at home. To grind your own coffee beans, you would want to have a coffee grinder in your possession to enjoy the optimal brewing experience.

Pouring water in cup

Kettle - In order to pre-heat the water for your coffee, you can use either a stove-top or electric kettle.

Coffee Scoop - To maintain consistency in your coffee's taste and texture, you might want to get a hold of a coffee scoop so that your concentration of ground coffee remains similar with a similar taste.

Step-by-Step Guide to Brewing your French Press Coffee

1. Start With Heating the Water

Considering the formation of a coffee, heating water can be considered as the most important step to initiate the coffee brewing procedure. In order to avoid overheating the water, maintain the water temperature somewhere between 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Get the Perfect Measurement and Initiate Grinding

Referring to the ratio information for water to coffee as is displayed here, you can easily maintain the brew strength. Using a scale, measure your coffee beans to ensure you're keeping check of the amount of the quantity and initiate the process of grinding your coffee beans.

3. Preheat the French Press

This is a step many people forget. When using the right French press, remember to preheat before adding the crushed coffee beans. While there isn't enough data to back the claims if this practice will result in better flavor or not, it's a common practice and is preferred by most. You now want to fill a quarter of the beaker with hot water, and then cover it. The next step would be to have the plunger pushed to the max.

4. Mix Hot Water and Ground Coffee

The first thing you want to do is add your coffee to the beaker. Continue pouring hot water into and measure its temperature using a temperature scale. Make sure the temperature matches your required style of coffee output as mentioned in the water to Coffee ratio


Pouring water in cup


5. Stir, Stir, Stir

Start stirring your water and coffee then place the lid on the top of the beaker while pulling the plunger up to ensure the temperature stays up as the coffee is brewing. While the time can vary, a rough timer of 3:30 should be the most appropriate.

6. Handle the Crust

The best way to know when the coffee is ready is to time it, especially if this is not something you're that familiar with as yet. One indicator that it's done well is that you'll find a decent layer has developed at the top. This is better known as the 'crust'. This actually does affect the texture and also the taste of your coffee. You can manage this by either leaving, mixing in, or completely removing this layer.

7. Press and Pour

Put the lid back on top and press the plunger down to its maximum extent. Ensure that the plunger's drop towards the bottom is neither too effortless nor requiring extra effort to monitor the grinding quality of your beans. When the plunger reaches the bottom, pour your freshly brewed coffee into a mug and enjoy your hard-earned mug of coffee. You did a good job!

Considering the numerous benefits of coffee, this organic method of brewing your coffee might work best for you because it's simple. If there is one thing that is certain about a French press coffee maker, it is its ability to yield the perfect cup of joy for a coffee lover.

If you want a little innovation, a French Press Coffee Maker could really satisfy your needs. From providing you a unique and exciting brewing method to making supremely tasty coffee, it works as an all-rounder to help you enjoy your coffee more. However, if handled incorrectly, the process will ruin your drink, your mood, and your morning. So, to avoid a situation like this, we recommend following the aforementioned steps with great concentration. Happy brewing!