Educational loans in case of students are useful in both graduate and undergraduate level. student education loans can be categorized as government student loan and private student loan. Apart from this, student educational loans are also available with bad credit and bankruptcy. Availing student educational loans solves your financial problems instantly. So, you dont need to worry about your college expenses. Banks and government organizations offer student educational loans according to level of education you opt for.
Let us consider the main types of student educational loans offered by banks and government organizations. There are two main types of student educational loans, Private and Federal. Private loans are mostly preferred by students at undergraduate level. Private educational loans are provided by banks or colleges. Under private student loan program, study program is popular. These types of educational loans have low interest rate. Private educational loans are provided based on students credit score. However there are certain factors to be considered before, applying for private educational loans.
A student applying for private educational loan must be resident of U.S. Student must have good credit score, in order to avail the loan at low interest. Another way to lower your private educational loan is, by considering a co-signer. If you apply with a co-signer, your monthly installments and interest rate is substantially reduced. Private educational loan offered by colleges, also consider scholarship student loans. All student scholarship loans are awarded based on grades, obtained by students. Another type of student educational loan is Stafford student educational loan. Stafford educational student loan is offered at under-graduate and graduate level.
There are some basic factors to be considered before applying for Stafford educational loans. Student must be resident of U.S, in order to avail the loan. Student applying for this loan should have good or average credit rating. There are different types of loan amounts you can borrow at graduate and under-graduate level. At the undergraduate level, as fresher you can borrow up to $3500. The maximum limit of student loan you can borrow is $7500. At the senior level, you can borrow $5500. And, maximum limit you can borrow is $10,500. The rate of interest depends on the amount of loan borrowed. But the typical interest rate on these educational loans starts from five percent. You can also get an online degree to maximize your future.
In case of graduate Stafford student loans, student loan amount differs. The loans are usually based on the year of education. Graduate Stafford student loans are also based on subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The subsidized student loans are based on, finance required by the student. But, unsubsidized student loans arent based on financial requirement. In case of subsidized student loan, you can borrow $8500. And, the maximum limit in case of these loans is $20,500. The interest rate on these types of loans depend on the amount borrowed. But, the typical interest rate starts from 6.5%.There may be some additional charges in case of Stafford subsidized student loans.
Both Stafford and private student educational loans are easily available with banks and colleges. You can choose according to your level of education.
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