The Pros and Cons: Dorm vs. Apartment Living


A part of the college experience is living in the dorm and making life-long friendships. However, some students simply prefer living in an apartment. The added freedom and the bonus of not having a roommate are enough for some people to decide upon renting a place of their own. To be sure you make the right decision, consider the following pros and cons of a dorm vs. apartment living.


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Dorm vs. Apartment Living: Pros and Cons

Depending on where you come from and your habits, you may choose to live in a dorm or an apartment. While students who grew up in houses in suburbia generally go for apartment renting, those who grew up in apartment complexes generally go for the dorm. This is not always the rule of thumb, as so many people find that the opposite attracts them and would like to try something new.


Dorm vs. Apartment Living: The Costs

Always ask around about the price of renting an apartment and staying in the dorm. You will notice that in some areas, dorms are generally cheaper. In some others, the apartments are cheaper than the dorms. The rule seems to be that the bigger the college is, the more they charge for their dorms to be used. On the other hand, in smaller colleges, especially those within smaller cities, the sheer availability of many apartments to rent can bring down the cost of a dormitory significantly.


Dorm vs. Apartment Living: The Privacy

An apartment will give you more privacy than a dorm ever could. This privacy means a lot to some people. While you may argue that you have more free time in a dorm, since there is not as much cleaning, you should also consider finding a writer on Top Writers Review to help you with your schoolwork. Living in an apartment means more privacy, but also more things to do.


Dorm vs. Apartment Living: The Rules

If you have no issues going by the book, then dorm life is a good life for you. With their many rules and obligatory obedience, dorms are great for those who want to enjoy the quiet and easy life that comes with them. Apartments, on the other hand, seem to be a world on their own: no rules mean no restrictions, but only up to a certain point.


Dorm vs. Apartment Living: The Security

If security is your concern, then dorm living is the way to go. Dorms usually have a security officer and restrictions on who can or cannot enter the building past a certain time. This means that your security would be difficult to compromise. On the other hand, Apartments generally have no additional security measures, but you could have a secured apartment in an enclosed apartment complex. Unfortunately, these apartments come at a premium that not many can afford.



Dorm vs. Apartment Living: The Location

The location is another aspect to consider when deciding on where to live. Mostly, dormitories are found around or on campuses themselves. Being able to walk to your classes and enjoy the spring sunshine sure has its perks. Always check out some online accommodation ads before choosing. On the other hand, some dorms are more like flats: far away from your campus and demanding a commute of some kind. If you are really into cycling, this should be no problem of yours, but it may be a problem during fall and winter as the majority of the time, it either snows or rains.


Final Considerations

Whatever your take on dorms and student life, make sure you fully understand the pros and cons of both before choosing where you will live in the upcoming four years. Making the right choices means knowing yourself, but it also means making life so much easier for you in the long run. Follow our tips for choosing the best place to stay during your college, and you won't feel sorry about it!

Barbara Fielder

Barbara Fielder learned early on to prioritize. A man cannot achieve everything s/he wants. This bilingual always aspired for more but has learned that being able to optimize and rely on what you already have holds so much more value.