In many homes, an appliance breaking down is a financial emergency. There simply is no extra money for a repair that may cost hundreds of dollars. There is also no money to purchase a replacement appliance. People with incomes dread appliance repairs because of the high costs. But, anyone who does not want to worry about appliance repairs can purchase an affordable home warranty.
When a person purchases a home, the mortgage company will require home insurance that covers the structure. A 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty is purchased separately and covers appliances and home systems that break down and need repair with normal use. A home warranty does not cover home structure or other items covered by home insurance policies.
For this reason, many home buyers purchase both forms of protection for peace of mind. In both cases, if nothing is damaged or breaks down, the money is still spent and there is no refund. People purchase both of these forms of protection to be covered if something happens. But, one or two disasters or one or two appliances breaking down would be more expensive than the contract costs. For this reason, many homeowners consider both types of coverage good investments.
It is important to shop around a little and compare several home warranty plans and their costs. Choosing the right 2-10 HBW home warranty plan can make a big difference in yearly home maintenance costs. The best plan lets the homeowner pay less and get the most coverage. Each warranty company has a collection of home warranty plans to choose from. This is important because a homeowner only wants to pay for the appliances they own and that might break down.
During the home-buying process, the services of a home inspector are important. This expert will examine appliances and home systems such as heating and cooling, electrical, and plumbing and report on their condition. The report can help the new homeowner decide on a home warranty package that will work for them. Be sure to read the list of what appliances and systems are covered and ask about adding missing appliances to the agreement.
Read the fine print and the conditions for coverage carefully. There are limitations to coverage. Worn-out, broken appliances are not covered. Appliances that are not maintained or misused are not covered. There might be limitations on the number of service calls allowed in a year.
Yes, the right homeowner's warranty will help a person save money on home repairs. If even one major appliance needs repair or replacement, the warranty was a good investment. If there are no repairs needed in a year of coverage, the peace of mind makes the warranty worth it.
It is important to balance the possibility of appliances breaking down and the need for a home warranty. That is why a person purchasing a new home with all new appliances will not need a home warranty. Those appliances and systems will be covered by the home builder and the appliance manufacturers. A person purchasing an older home with the intention of renovating and replacing all the appliances and systems won't benefit from a home warranty.
If a person is purchasing a used home with older appliances and systems, a home warranty is a good investment. People who are older or have mobility issues will also benefit from a home warranty. Home warranties can save a homeowner money and help them budget for the year's home maintenance costs.