The Beginner's Guide to Home Staging:
Decor and More


Modern dingroom


It's time to sell your home. It's been your sanctuary for years, but now you're ready to move on. The issue is that what has worked for you might not work for potential buyers. You're going to need to stage your home to entice and appeal to them. The process of home staging definitely enhances the appeal of your home on the market, but it also expedites sales and could garner better quality offers.


Declutter and Depersonalize

Arguably the hardest part of staging is creating a clutter-free space. After all, you've accumulated a lot of stuff, and that stuff is yours. That's just the problem. It's your stuff. Potential buyers struggle to imagine themselves living in your home if it's full of your personal items. Look to strip back the cluttered items, the personal knick-knacks, and the family photos. This will streamline your look.

This isn't a process of erasing character. Instead, you're making your home inviting to new owners who can see large, inviting spaces.


Create Neutrality

The color of a property has a real influence on prospective buyers' perceptions. If you want to appeal to the widest possible audience, then adopt a more neutral, universal approach. That means using beiges, whites, and soft grays where you can. Not only does this create a calm and clean sense within the home, but it also allows the features and architectural elements of the home to shine.

Similar to the process of depersonalizing the home, neutrality allows the prospective buyer to imagine how they would put their own stamp on the property.


kitdhen, cooktop, flowers in a vase


Furniture Placement

How you place your furniture dramatically affects the feel and look of the space. You need to consider the aesthetic appeal, of course, but you should also consider functionality. Placing items in the right spot can make rooms feel bigger. Wrong placement creates a feeling of crampedness. Don't automatically push everything up against the wall. Sometimes, using groupings in an open space can open a room up.


Floral Displays

Flowers have universal appeal. They add a great feeling of warmth and vibrancy to any space. You're bringing nature into your home as well as subtly adding to the atmosphere through delicate scents. Remember neutrality when selecting flowers. Better yet, take to Google and talk with a local florist. A search such as "NYC florists" is going to give you a selection of professionals willing to share their professional opinions.


Key Takeaways

There's more to home staging than decoration. It's about showing potential buyers just what your property has to offer. You're selling people a dream. With a few subtle changes and touches, you can help them realize it.

  • Aim for neutrality throughout the home to help people imagine their own touches within the property.
  • Flowers are an excellent addition to most spaces.
  • Place furniture with purpose and function when dressing rooms.