Wondering whether your neighbourhood is actually safe? Safety is more than crime rate. Here are five effective tools to help you gauge neighborhood safety from multiple perspectives.
TheFBI Crime Data Explorer puts together national crime reports. It doesn't map crime to exact addresses, but it provides precise data for cities and states. You'll receive data categorized by types of crimes — violent crime, hate crime, property damage, and arrests.
Data nerds will enjoy the rich charts and thorough methodology. The FBI database has everything from property damage to hate crimes. What neighborhood am I in by address searches won't work here, but the broader data is invaluable.
Neighbor.Report allows members to share critical information about their neighborhoods. In home shopping, prospective neighbors' data instantly becomes the deciding factor in buying a house. The website assists you to know your neighbors — most helpful for families with kids and can serve as a neighborhood directory for new residents.
AreaVibes is more than crime rates as it analyzes communities on various parameters: cost of living, quality of schools, proximity to healthcare, housing, and amenities. Communities are graded F to A+. The website provides very detailed details.
This device is unique for having a wider safety perspective. You are able to view crime breakdowns displaying violent and property crime reports, with heat maps indicating where crimes are occurring. For a more complete image, view detailed livability data when wondering what neighborhood am I in.
Ring's Neighbors App works as a neighborhood communication app. You don't need Ring products — it's free regardless of your security system.
The app combines reports from locals and police to alert you about suspicious activities. You can contribute information anonymously too.
Communities also use it during emergencies or to organize neighborhood watches, addressing how do you get along with your neighbors in times of need. This neighborhood communication app creates a virtual community space where residents can share safety concerns, lost pet information, and community updates. Many users find that learning how to get along with your neighbors becomes easier through these digital connections before meeting face-to-face.
SpotCrime shows crime graphically and emails crime reports. It receives information as well as law enforcement reports, such as news stories and tips from users. Missing persons' reports, crime statistics, and cold cases for your area may be viewed.
Its best feature is the very graphic interface displaying on-the-spot neighborhood crime information. Crimes are overlaid as a separate icon, and patterns are easy to find. Tapping an icon pulls up the character of crime, time, location, and link to original report.
Safety in the neighborhood encompasses more than police reports. Remember these commonly-forgotten components:
As you compile research about the safety of the community, remember that "safety" is relative. Use these tools to unite community, not divide it. When you see the problem, emphasize solutions — active participation is community safety's mission.
Before conducting research, look for potential biases. Not all crimes are reported, and statistics can be measures of patterns of enforcement rather than actual safety. The safest neighborhoods have positive statistics, in addition to solid community connections and good infrastructure.
Published 3/27/25