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Starting a house cleaning business

Continuation: The children are grown-up and independent or job is getting boring and repetitive with family care adding to stress and answer to this dilemma is starting your own business. Women are more prone to these self-assurance attacks and look for alternate means of earning livelihood that will allow them quality time with family, satisfy their creative urges and at same time provide social and financial security.

Zeroing in on housecleaning business comes naturally to women as they have a fair experience from young age. They see their mothers and grandmothers nurturing a nesting place and once married or single parent generally follow whatever first hand experience they had in keeping a home clean. Enthusiasm is one factor responsible for success and if really involved can turn house cleaning business into a profitable enterprise.

Getting Down to Basics: Cleanliness is not only placing things in right place, but turning out a relaxing and congenial environment and this is possible if one has patience, a healthy mind and body to deal with crabby clients who never seem to be satisfied or are stringent in payment. As with any other first time business, Housecleaning requires full time commitment with majority workload falling on owner and only when business picks up then one can decide of taking on a partner or hiring help.

There are other equally important dos and donts that kick start an enterprise. These are having an idea what the business entails, the market for the product, sourcing and pricing and lastly competition. If there are other housecleaning companies in same area then care should be taken to offer extra trimmings such as customer handling skills, special discounts or gifts could be included. These are important along with accounting and office skills i.e. filling and maintaining customer records, honing of public relation skills to interact with clients and agencies. Sometimes a startup business on small scale with another partner is advisable and this can be done while still working. This helps in understanding problems faster before jumping full time into home business.

Networking - the puff and push: The plunge has been taken and next step is to get customers. There is no point in waiting and one could begin by cleaning own residence or office, homes of friends and relatives as work and satisfied clients are best form of promotion. Charge nominal fees to pay for material and hired help. The next step is to insert advertisement in local paper on weekly or monthly basis, put up magnetic signs, flyers, or notices in offices, clubs, beauty salons, Laundromats, restaurants, bakeries or grocery stores with business name and address. Along with this have calling cards, letterheads, account books and comment books printed to give a professional look to enterprise. Rope in your children and their friends to hang door hangers in neighborhood or put them in mailboxes. Even though it will take time for business to pick up maximum exposure and one or two satisfied customers can lead to others through what is known as referrals. A discount can be offered for two or more referrals starting a chain. Another form of advertising is having a personal web page or a listing on women related sites as working women order groceries while working and finding convenient cleaning services is a bonus to them.

The next item on agenda to make home cleaning business a viable preposition is to have a well equipped cleaning system. If there are personal extra mops, brooms, dust pans, brushes use them and purchase rest from home supplies depots at discounted or reasonable prices. Make a list of what is required and what is there and then find appropriate storage place. The items needed are window cleaners, furniture polish, anti-bacterial and Clorox soft scrub with bleach, stainless steel cleaner, wood floor and bathroom cleaners, big and small mops, brooms, dustpan and mop, supply caddy, grout brush, small toothbrush, terry and micro fiber cleaning cloths, step ladders, vacuum cleaners and hand sanitizer for cleaning hands. Majority customers prefer cleaners to bring their own supplies but there should be no issue about using client owned specific products.

Professional charge is significant question especially if starting business for first time. Talk with friends or look up the net as to what and how other cleaning companies charge. Beginning with exorbitant fees does not help and unless people see the work they will not give the desired rate. It could be by house or room rates but client does not bother with house charge as they know they are paying one set fee whether work takes four hours or two. If charged by hour then the worry is about extra added expenses and for start up business this does not show good sense. A basic price guideline should be worked out referring to rooms and days. A major blooper is beginning with low fees and then finding it difficult to hike up rates to pay increasing expenses. Instead of over pricing or under pricing the rate should be appropriate with work done and overheads incurred.

Personal Speak: So far so good but if person starting home cleaning business is non presentable, untidy or acerbic then it will be difficult to hold on to clients. A pleasant personality goes a long way in winning client trust as they are leaving their homes, with prized possessions, to some one not known to them personally. Another must is insurance and if there are employees they could be included in same insurance but if subcontracted then should have own insurance. Once the wrinkles are straightened housecleaning is a paying business with flexible hours, client selection and most important being your own boss. The flip side is that it is hard work, dealing with complaining customers, handling inefficient staff or that niggling security issue.

Success of any business, small or big, depends on having positive attitude. Research cleaning tips through internet and magazines or join classes arranged by associations and non-profit organizations, experiment with carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, plantscaping or office and window cleaning. It will take some time but once set then there is no looking back.

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