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Starting an Internet Business

While talking about Internet business, the pivotal thing is where to start making money on the Internet.

Are you interested in making money? Do you want to work from the comfort of your home? Furthermore are all the online business programs that are available on the Internet confusing you? Will it cost you money to begin? These are some of the questions one need to address while planning a small business on Internet.


The Internet is the main information highway for the present day. With every passing day more and more people are buying information, services and products on the Internet every day.

There are two main methods to make money through the Internet

(1) you can first and foremost create a website selling products/services that you stock and distribute or

(2) Secondly selling other peoples products/services via a referral that you will then receive a commission for sales and subscriptions.

The first method is usually termed to as an E-commerce business, firstly you will need to produce an e-commerce website with a secured credit card facility to take payments from customers. Remember that this type of Internet business is more costly and has a greater risk factor to set up. Due to the fact that you will certainly require e-commerce software with stock control, add to cart facility and email services. Apart from that you will also need to stock the items that you wish to sell also not forgetting post and packaging expenses to distribute your goods to your customers. Keeping these things into perspective the risk for this type of business is higher and will involve more work on your part dealing with orders, corresponding with customers and distributing your products, the start up cost can be relatively high depending on how many

products you wish to sell and the level of stock you need to purchase from your suppliers. In addition the day to day running costs can also mount up as there are more services that you need to budget for to maintain an e-commerce website.

The pivotal things you will need to set up an E-commerce website are:

• E-commerce website software.

• Secured Credit Card Facility.

• Shopping Cart.

• E-mail auto responder facility.

• Stock.

• Distribution material.

• Business Bank Account.

The second main routine for creating your own business on the Internet is selling other peoples products/services and is more commonly known as Affiliate Marketing. The main benefits for becoming an Affiliate Marketer is the set up costs and general running costs are lower. In general it is not necessary to have a secured credit card facility provided through a third party or a shopping cart facility as all your sales are referred to another party/company from whom you will be paid a commission for your referral/sale/subscription. To become an Affiliate Marketer is very straightforward as there are many Affiliate Program Providers that are FREE to join and you then have access to their directories for thousands of products/services that you can promote through your own website.


How much does it cost to set up your own online business

Theoretically speaking all forms of business on the Internet incur start up costs, which can vary depending on what you wish to do on the Internet. There are plenty of websites that claim that you can make lots of money through the Internet and that their system is so easy to use that anyone can make a good living from their products, systems, services etc.

In reality if you wish to begin your own business on the Internet you have to read between the lines of most sales pitches, there is no such thing as guaranteed success with any type of business whether it be Internet based or Bricks and Malta (shop).

A whole lot of people out there have always dreamed of becoming financially free but don`t know where to begin looking. Having your own Internet Business is truly the only way to go! If that is the case you are the President, CEO, Manager and best of all the only one who calls the shots.

There are plenty of opportunities out there who will promise you the sky and will say you can retire in 3 months or less. But once you register you are left wondering what just happened Where do I go from this Because of this simple reason you need to look closely at Home Based Businesses before you decide to do anything.

A good Internet business should always have help and on-going training available to its newest members. And remember a point that Internet business takes time to build a financially secure income. As pretty much the saying "Slow and steady always wins the race."

When you are thinking of starting your own business from Internet, it is important to sit down and write out a plan of action. i.e. Budget for advertising, advertising campaigns, how much time and effort you are going to put into the business, but the most important one is... are you really serious about starting.

As mentioned earlier it is very important to have a real person as your sponsor and mentor to help you through the beginning of your journey to becoming financially free and to keep you motivated through the slow periods. In case if you are serious and motivated to begin with then you will have a 100% better chance of succeeding, than someone who just signs up and thinks that they can work a week and watch the money roll in.

For instance, the people who sign up should always have help available to them, either from you, people above you or from the company itself. With the help of company and you on-going training should be available on a weekly basis or daily if needed. Because Internet businesses arent just about you and making money, it is about helping other people along the way reach the same financial goals as you.

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