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Based business home internet

Telling Friends and Family:

One aspect of promoting (advertising) that is essential to know, is that the person or people you think are least likely to join your based business home internet, could very well be one of the best members of your downline. Your own family and friends could fall into this category. It is for this reason that telling your family and friends is considered to be one of the essential forms of promotion.

How Do I Tell Them

Email is one of the most effective ways to tell Family and Friends. In an Email, you can explain everything in a way that is easy to read, easily understood and effective. Email is also good because it can be saved, and not easily forgotten.

What Do I Say

The purpose of your Email is to introduce your Family and Friends to your based business home internet, and to explain to them what you and your business can offer them. When you make contact, whether through Email or another method of your choice, give them a run down of the business.

Try to avoid making your based business home internet sound like a get rich quick scheme, or a hyped up "make a million" program. Remember that you not only represent your business, you also represent the company. It is important that you behave professionally and ethically.

Be sure to maintain honesty at all times. This includes being sure to tell them that they will not make a million overnight, however, with their effort and time, they can make this kind of income. Also, when you are asked questions, be honest with answers. If you do not know the answer to the questions, do not guess and speculate. Be honest and tell them that you are unsure of the answer, and that you will endeavor to find an answer ASAP.

Finally, remember that although they may be family and friends, you are informing them about your business. Try to find a blend between formal and informal.

Does YourPortal have a Tell a Friend program

Yes! Search " Promote your Site" i.e. your Members Area and somewhere you will see the Tell A Friend link. We have a pre-made message to send to all of your friends, just enter their names and email address and hit send!


Are the type of person that can't motivate people Do you know how to motivate someone Some of us don't even know where to start on ourselves! Here, you will learn the secret to not only getting yourself motivated, but getting your entire business motivate also.

Are you excited about what you are doing I remember my dad once told me, "Son enjoy what ever you do. Because if you enjoy what you're doing, you will never work a day in your life". I took those words and make them a way of life for myself. You need to enjoy what you are doing if you want to motivate yourself and others. Many of you reading this lesson must enjoy what you are doing or you would not have taken the steps to learn how to motivate your group. So, if your motivated, how do you motivate your entire business


You need to Keep In Touch with your organization at all times! That sounds like a very simple process, however, many appear to forget this when it comes to sending out a simple email. A simple hello and letting them know that you are there to help them in anyway that they need can do wonders to your business. Try it you will be blown away by the results.

You also need to know a huge secret that will save you mountains of time! You need to realize now that not all people are going to ask for help. Why is this

Some don't understand what they're doing and are afraid to ask you directly for help on there business, however, if you read on you will find a solution for that.

Some just quit!

The secret to saving you mountains of time is to prioritize your help. One thing you must understand is that you need your downline just as much as they need you. Spend time with the ones who ask for help, answer their questions and support them. The ones that don't ask for your help, offer it. Every so often when you send out an email to your downline, offer to help. If these people want your help, they will come to you. The last thing that you want to do is to spend many hours helping a person that does not want your help.

Now, what you are doing is keeping in touch with your downline, and trying your best to keep them motivated. You may find yourself feeling unsure if they really sure if they need your help or they are just afraid to ask. Some people are shy and think they can figure it out on there own. This is fine at first glance, but you also want to make sure they get the training they need.

This is the reason for your Company website. Send them there! Use this website as a tool to help build your downline and a way to give them the answers the need for the questions they may have. Once your business can learn what there doing and you have the tools to give them the proper training, at their level, and at their pace, you are well on the way to creating a duplicating business.

This will not only save you time but also motivate your entire group because they will have all the tools to succeed. All of us want to succeed. There is nobody that wants to be stuck in the poverty trap. Follow the information based business home internet in this email and lead everyone to your Commpany website to learn more and you will not only notice an explosion in your downline but a motivation to succeed that you will not believe.

To motivate your business does not just take excitement, but knowledge as well. So be excited! You have the tools to not only motivate yourself but anyone that does business with you on a day to day basis!

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