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Business home internet marketing mlm

Staying Organized:

It's important to remember that "YOU" are your own boss when it comes to your online business. There won't be anyone to tell you to clean up your work space, or to file your paperwork, or to write things down! You are your own boss your success depends on....YOU!

Let's begin with the basics.

First rule to follow: Write Everything Down!

Keep it in a binder or just pages in a notebook. This is stressed because you never know when and if you may go through a "Complete Computer Crash". These can destroy everything that you worked so hard for, and can leave you completely in the dark about your entire business. By writing everything down it also allows quick access to information that you need. For example, Keep a 3 ring binder with all of your important information in it, each section should be separated by page dividers. Have all the online businesses and affiliate programs that you are a member of, your personal URL's with passwords in the first section. (This will save you more than once!)

If you are chatting with someone who is not a member yet of a particular program of yours and they want you to type the URL for them to go and check it out, flip open your binder and type it in for them. Also, if your system crashes you have all the info you need to stay in touch with your new vehicle of success. Have all of your "Click Thru" programs in another section.

Your "surfing" URL, your referral URL and your passwords again in another section. Again, quick easy access and insurance from crashes! Have safe lists, and opt-in URL's and passwords in a third section. Have an entire section devoted to your email addresses and their passwords. You can keep important emails that you have received and printed out in another section. Basically, even if you think it's not important, write it down and keep it in your binder.

Second Rule to follow: Save it to Disk!

Save as much information as you can to a disk. If you have a floppy that's fine. A CDR can be better than a floppy because they are not so easily damaged and hold more information than Floppy's. You may not access these often, however, you will be happy to have them if your system ever crashes or you have information that mysteriously disappears.

Third Rule to Follow: Try To Keep A Neat and Orderly Work Environment!

When your desk begins to get cluttered and you find yourself searching for things that you need, that should be a big hint to you that you need a more organized work station. If you just take a few minutes to "tidy up" before "shutting down" this should alleviate any problems that you may have.

Fourth Rule to Follow: Organize and Maintain Your Files!

Believe it or not, this refers to your email inbox. What you can do, is set up separate folders in your email account. The fact of the matter is, most of us have more than one online business. If you are like the majority of people, you will probably not wish to have loads of primary email addresses.

Inside your primary email box set up separate folders for each business home internet marketing mlm. That way when you receive an important email from a particular company or a receipt, or confirmation or even a notice of payment or commissions, you can "Move" it to its own folder. It's easy to keep track of and easy to access what you need. If you have a downline member that needs information from a particular email, you can access it quickly and easily and get it to them ASAP!

Fifth Rule to Follow: Keep Accurate Records!

Remember, that this is your business home internet marketing mlm. Your "Home Based Business" has expenses just like any other business, so keep accurate records of your business expenses. There may be tax deductions that you may qualify for, check with your local tax laws. In the states, they allow you to take certain deductions for business expenses, for example: Office supplies, your ISP, depending upon the space a certain % for mortgage, utilities, and dues's an endless list.

The point is, keep your receipts for your expenses and file them! Keep all your receipts separated from Month to Month. It's all very basic, common sense stuff, however some do learn the hard way! Hopefully, you will follow these simple steps to keep yourself more organized! After all, have you ever met a highly successful person that was "Unorganized"


Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it. The fact that you are here reading the subjects in this university shows a willingness to invest some of your time into learning something new or confirming things you already know.

If you only have an hour or two each evening in which to advance your business home internet marketing mlm each day it is important to have a predetermined set of goals written out. It is easy to get involved in surfing around for 45 minutes before you get to where you are going.

Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what Try to prioritize your tasks, if you have a list 5 or 10 items long that you are scheduled to have completed before logging off and it looks as though you will never get them all done, start with the hardest ones first.

By getting them out of the way it will give you a clearer mental picture to tackle the remaining items in an efficient fashion, that otherwise may have been a part of the seemingly never-ending list. Any items that you could not get completed should be written down at the top of the list to be worked on the next day.

Other more pressing items may come up throughout the day before you've had a chance to get to your list, it is OK to put them at the top of the list so when you are back in front of the computer and ready to get to work they will get completed first. Time is one of the best kept secrets of the rich.

When I still held a J.O.B I did not understand this, I just knew that time was something I never had enough of. Since burning that bridge it becomes clearer everyday that time is more valuable than money because you can always get more money, but you cannot get more time.

A common trap for people who begin an online business home internet marketing mlm in which you are able to learn as you go and progress at your own pace is majoring in minor things. It is not always a critical step in understanding how every little matrix works before you begin to advertise or market your site, especially if it is a proven program that you are involved in.

If you already know that there are others who are doing well at it, what you really want to do is get yourself up and running. Make sure all your links are working, have a plan to track the effectiveness of your advertising. Begin your Promoting efforts as soon as possible and learn the minor things as you go.

Finally a quote from one of our favorite mentors, Jim Rohn:

"Remember, days are expensive, when you spend a day, you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely".

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