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The inventions and development of last few decades have surpassed wild imagination of the people. The way computers have grown, mobile phones have developed and networking has taken place, they have changed our earlier way of working, entertaining and dreaming. Today, we have 2 billion out of six billion connected on networks and having an exclusive connection with each other. This phenomenon has crossed feelings of region, boarder, language and religion. Human beings have risen above human. They have become little greater.

Technological inventions which have taken place in the last fifty years have surpassed all the technical developments which took place since the evolution of human civilization. Earlier, dream and imagination were futuristic words. A person used to talk about dream and imagination as a yardstick for future planning or future development in every walk of life. Today it is not the same. Today when people have access of information, knowledge and wisdom on the network, it has given new paradigm. Things happen much beyond the dream or imagination. You are generally confused to see how something like that could happen in your lifetime? Things have happened so fast and so much that it is difficult to perceive.

Can you imagine a simple English-speaking person getting a job in call centre or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) offices and earning a monthly income in five figures to six figures depending upon her calibre?, this is just because of ease of connectivity.

Can you imagine a person in a remote location in an Indian village communicating with a person walking on the streets of New York?

Can you imagine withdrawing and depositing money from an ATM booth without any assistance from the bank clerk?

Can you imagine transferring cheque or money from one bank to another without going to the bank?

Can you imagine doing business and shopping with your plastic card?

Can you imagine the executive from your bank coming to your place to open an account or give you a loan?

Can you imagine a bank giving you a credit card at your wish?

Can you imagine making friends anywhere in the world sitting at your PC terminal and chatting any time for twenty four hours of a day?

Can you imagine tate part of the garbage of the twin towers of New York being transferred from the USA to Ludhiana in India?

Can you imagine you can earn a degree on-line from any part of the world?

Can you imagine that a person from a poor farmer family can become a Prime Minister of the biggest democracy of the world?

Can you dream that a person from a poor family can become the President of the biggest democracy of the world?

Can you imagine your microwave can warm your food without burning it in a few minutes?

Can you imagine an entrepreneur of this generation built an empire like Reliance Industries or Infosys or Microsoft in less than a life time?

Can you imagine a 20-30 years old millionaire entrepreneur of the first generation?

Can you imagine a picture coming to your telephone line like Sanjay described war scenes in Mahabharata?

Can you imagine sending messages or picture anywhere in the world instantly even when on the move,

Can you imagine you can do business, market or carry out jobs by sitting at home through your personal computers?

Can you imagine having a video conference with people spread across continents?

Can you?.. the list is endless. Imagination dries up.

The laws of the growth of the electronics and semiconductor industries have failed themselves. The growth has surpassed them. Laws had to be changed continuously to meet the growth.

Initially when cooking gas came, people were apprehensive that it would spoil the chapatis. The smell of gas will go into the chapatis. They were not ready to accept it. In due course of time in a few years, they accepted these things as normal. Initially, when the TV channels came, the people felt that some channels like Star World, Fashion TV, and others are beyond the middle class family status. Now nobody raises doubts. People have accepted all this. A lot was said about beauty contests, it is still being discussed everyday in different quarters in different forms. Some people did not accept it. Now all classes of society are joining slowly in the process of development. People have easy access of relevant information because of connectivity. People have choice to select the best options.

A similar situation is seen in almost all the technological or social changes which emerged in due course of history. The same thing happened in the development of the steam engine. The horse ride was considered better than rail for a long time. Telephone was considered inferior to gramophone, a wired communication system, which competed with the pigeon delivery system. E-commerce is being considered more risky than shop business. The growth of broadband, optical fiber and wireless connection have generated confidence among people. These changes in technological front are taking place faster. The old corollary does not work today; earlier, people had time to reach a conscious decision to accept the changes. But today?s development does not give time at all. Either you accept them or remain left behind. The people of today realise that you have to be a part of change and grab it at the next opportunity to make life better. Technological inventions are generating that confidence.

The kind of technological development which has taken place in the last few years, have left the human being with even less options. In the last five to six years, the spread of mobile phones have equaled the number of landline phones available in India. The penetration of PCs, TVs, microwave ovens, two or four wheelers, other electrical appliances like washing machines, electrical cookers, automatic popup toasters, mixers and grinders, refrigerators, music systems and many more in the households of today has taken place so fast and drastically that a person is hardly getting time to adjust. Now few of these appliances will be available and connected on line. People will have options to operate their microwave from their car itself while on the way back home.

Adjusting with fast changing technological scenario is not easy. People get more confused and less comfortable. The younger generations adjust relatively better while the older generation has to face the brunt of being foolish and ignorant. The life of the people who do not learn or adopt fast makes life more miserable for self. We need to accept and adopt with technological changes fast. The technological inventions have given hope for betterment for entire humanity.