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pay per view

Seen any good movies lately? With all the garbage they come out with now days, I wouldn't be surprised if you said no. Regardless of the redundant cookie-cutter flicks that rule the big screen in recent times, you're bound to catch a gem in there somewhere. Speaking of movies, how often do you catch one on the big screen? Oh, come on, it's not that bad. Admission is only around 8.50. What's a measly 8.50 in comparison to a couple hours of un-adult rated escapism? Okay, it's actually not such a good deal if the movie stinks. However, you shouldn't be so worried about the film itself. I'd be more concerned with the 40 bucks you're going to blow on popcorn and a drink.

That's the real kicker. Those darn movie companies. They always get you with the concessions. We?ve clearly recognized that movies are getting out of control. The theater prices have gone through the roof, and the value of most films is growing thin. There is a simple solution to this dilemma. It's called pay per view. This is a win-win situation. Do you ever use pay per view? It's typically an option that comes with your cable service. You probably have Time Warner, right? The cool thing about getting your movies on pay per view is the savings. You can pay for a particular flick and watch it at your leisure. Not to mention in the comfort of your own living room. But that's not all.

You see, if you wait for the film to be released on pay per view, then you will already have a good idea of how well it was rated. Maybe every human being you know said it was terrible. This would probably deter you from watching it. Therefore with pay per view comes knowledge. Many of us are not privy to this important information when the movie is still there in theaters. And even if you do watch a movie on pay per view and dislike it, at least you don?t loose much. With the pay per view option, you can literally order a movie with hardly any effort at all. All you need in hand is your remote control. Hasn't entertainment evolved to a plane of utter convenience? It's simple to scroll through the movies on demand, and watch the trailers for each of them. So stop spending your cash at the local theater. It's time to view films when you want with pay per view. It doesn't get any more comfy than your own home.