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Pc Notebooks

What model of computer are you punching away at right now? Do you have one of the most modern and fully advanced PC notebooks, or are you still hacking away at the keyboard on your retro desktop with the 200 pound monitor and gargantuan tower? Things sure have come a long way fast. And by this I mean computer technology. Our PCs and Macs just continue to improve. I recall when we thought 15 gigs was a lot. Ha, now we prefer 80. So much happens in a mere year. Well, regardless of the consistent advances in computer technology, the fact is we all need and crave a great machine. One that will handle our taxes, hold all the music we can download, and allow us to surf the web at will.

This is the reason why so many of us look high and low for wonderful PC notebooks. We not only want our system to handle it all, but we want it to come in the most compact of size. It's all about convenience. Our society thrives on the concept. Couple of year?s back I began browsing for the finest PC notebooks. I wasn't the most computer savvy guy at the time; therefore I asked my computer-whiz of a brother for assistance. He is a big IBM nut and totes around one of there PC notebooks where ever he goes. I should admit that I loved the size of some IBM models. They make some quite compact and lightweight PC notebooks to suit every body?s needs. Have you taken a gander at their half inch thick notebook computer? That's amazing! Who don?t want to have a high quality PC notebook that fit in a bag like a simple notepad? Just like with our cell phones, PC notebooks continue to get smaller. But they always advance to new levels.

After a quick browse through Best Buy, I found it extremely difficult to choose only one of the PC notebooks. From my understanding, most of them have the same basic features; however some offer few extra features like the bells and whistles. This is where you have to ponder gigabytes, CD burning and DVD burning. While most of them have plenty of hard drive space, you may need more if you deal a lot with videos and music, which both take up loads of space. Typically the DVD burning option will improve you a couple hundred bucks if you decide to go for it. If you are having trouble finding quality PC notebooks, then you may want to try the Internet. There are plenty of websites that offer a variety of PC notebooks at reasonable prices now days. It all depends on what you need it for.