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online personals

One day, I wandered into the dark side while surfing the net. No, it wasn?t some nefarious terrorist organization website I was on. It was simply the online personals section of my local web portal. But it was the content of these online personals that gave me the creeps. I knew I had been out of the dating game for quite a while. I have never imagined in my wildest dreams that the online personals sections had gotten so cheeky and one might even say, obscene! For one thing, I found a lot more women on these online personals than I had ever known were on the net at all. Seriously! When I was younger, I too would trawl the online personals to try and meet women.

Going to the nearest bar and scouting for them felt creepy, and getting a date from one of my classmates was out of the question. When you are one of the only few nerds in a class filled with quarterbacks and other sporty types, your chances of getting a date are almost nil. So online personals it was and continued to remain for a while. To be honest, I did meet some very good girls on the online personals. My first steady girlfriend was a contact I?d made through the online personals. Sure, she was five years older than she claimed to be and was a ton or two heavier, but then when you were as desperate as I was, such things really didn?t matter. My second contact in the online personals world swindled me off some money. I should say I allowed myself to get swindled.

After all, if a girl asks you for your credit card number in the very second online meeting, something (or rather everything!) should have told you that there was something fishy right? Not for me, as I gladly let her have it. And it?s a good thing that it was almost maxed out. For she took a good three hundred dollars and fled! And I never heard from her again.Anyways, to get back to the present, I was amazed by the openness and vivacity of the women on the online personals. Not only were they more open about revealing who they actually were, some of them were pretty open about what they wanted from the guys they were looking for Nowadays on the online personals, it seemed like anything goes. I was glad for the frankness and opportunities the youngsters were enjoying. And I must admit I was also a trifle envious. So if you do happen to get onto the online personals section of my local portal, don?t be surprised to see a geekyguy22 online. Believe me, I?m still worth a good look or two