![]() Ontario car insurance quotesAuto Insurance protects the insurer from financial loss if he is involved in an accident. The insurance is a contract between the insurance company and the individual. The individual pays a premium periodically and in the event of accident, the insurance company pays for losses as defined in the car insurance policy. Auto insurance quotes can be received instantly online by completing a quick and easy form on the net. Many of the auto insurance quotes are offered free of charge. A comparative study of the various quotes can throw light on the benefits, extra features and special offers from various insurance companies so that the task of choosing the right car insurance plan is made easy. In Ontario , the government has standardized the norms for car insurance as per the Insurance Industry regulations. The norms stipulate certain basic auto insurance requirements. The insurance companies in Ontario offer far more features than those basic requirements. They also provide the privilege of choosing which type of protection the insurer wants in his car insurance. The buyer of car insurance is provided with a ?Pink Card? which is actually the Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card. The card should be carried always as it should be produced if asked by the police officer anytime. This card is the proof for having the insurance and is valid anywhere in Canada and the United States. This card should also be produced at the time of registering the vehicle for the first time or when renewing the license plate sticker, at the Ministry of Transportation. Online car insurance quotes The auto insurance companies offer their quotes mostly online on their web sites. There is an auto insurance quotes directory which is divided into segments relating to the provinces of Canada. They are listed following the regulatory norms issued by the insurance law. Some of the insurance companies provide services in certain provinces only and some have representation in more. The auto insurance directory shows local represents situated in all the provinces. These firms also provide their services through phone through their toll free and inexpensive phone numbers. The quotes differ according to the plan chosen by the insurer as per his choices made in is application. There are online quotes from many of the companies with online forms making it a quick process for the applicant. Auto Insurance Law in Ontario The Law in Ontario requires that the Third Party Liability Coverage of car insurance should not be less than 200,000 US dollars. This amount is fixed with a view to cover the injuries to any other person if the insurer happens to be the cause of the accident. The liability coverage of 1 million US dollars is the normal liability coverage and some are even more. Ontario car Insurance laws specifically state that the Property Damage Coverage is also included in the car insurant policy. This covers the car and the property kept inside the car at the time of accident for the driver who is not at fault. Another requirement is the Uninsured Motorist, which provides coverage for the driver who is at fault and is uninsured involved in the accident. Different Ontario car insurance covers: Usually the auto insurance protects coverage for the following medical, property and liability coverage : Property coverage is provided for loss due to theft or damage of the car; Liability coverage is taken to take care of the legal responsibility of the insurer to others for injury or damage to their property; Medical coverage is meant to provide for the expenses towards treatment of injuries, for rehabilitation in cases where the driver cannot get back to working life, funeral expenses if there is a loss of life in the accident, also to compensate for the lost wages during the medical treatment. The accidents benefits coverage in Ontario Under the Ontario Auto Insurance Law, all car Insurance policies carry Accidents Benefits coverage as well. This is to give protection to the insurer and his family in the event of his being injured or killed in the accident. The protection takes care of any payment of expenses incurred in taking care of the injured who cannot return to normal working life, payment of medical and rehabilitation and other attendant fee expenses and even funeral expenses in addition to the payment of compensation to the dependents of the person killed in the accident. Based on these parameters, the car insurance quotes are calculated to give the customer the most suitable car insurance plan. No fault Onrtario car Insurance In Ontario there is a ?no-fault? car insurance system is in place. When the car is damaged or the driver is injured the insurer has his own car insurance to cover these expenses, regardless of who is at fault. This eliminates the need for gunning for the at fault driver for compensation. In the event of the passengers in the car getting injured, the passenger with a car insurance policy can get the compensation from his own insurance company. The driver of the other car or vehicle involved in the accident will claim the benefits from his or her from the insurance company where he bought his insurance from. The law has made it mandatory for the insurance companies to assign the fault to each of the drivers involved in the accident, though only after following the ?Fault determination Rules.? These rules are set under the regulations of the Insurance Act, are helpful to the insurance companies for quickly and economically settle claims. These rules may undergo some changes if the police frame charges as per the Highway Traffic Act. The insurance companies have several different schemes to cover different aspects of life and property and offer the suitable plans that the customer requires and the premiums are fixed according to the choices made by him. The premiums are worth the while since the damages of an accident can spell a big financial disaster. Car insurance.ca Going through the numerous quotes for car insurance is a lengthy and confusing process. The exclusive system of carinsurance.ca does the all the research for the best suited insurance quotes and packages for the customer. There is no need for the customer to shop around to find out the right car insurance policy. They find the lowest rates which results in a good savings for the customer according to his requirements and as per the details he has given for the purpose. Their quotes are given even without asking for the customer?s full name or email address. These details are taken only at the time pf purchase of the car insurance from carinsurance.ca.The applicant has to fill in his details online without any obligation. Their client services section attends to requests for change in policies. Their unique 24 hour hotline service swiftly attends to all calls for emergency services. They contact their customers by mail, fax, email or phone to be able to offer the best of services. The car insurance information section provides the answers to all relevant questions that the customer may have, clearly and exhaustively. The privacy of the customer is treated as the top priority in their web site to offer the freedom for the customer to remain anonymous and get questions answered and yet find quotes for car insurance without obligation. |