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Presence of rats in Srinagar hospitals has been a grim concern for last several years, Print media has highlighted the problem many times but no fruits borne. Like other, sectors there are hundred and ten problems in the states health Sector too, to which they say is an essential service, a priority sector.
Essential Service in papers, ignored maintenance in practice! Priority sector, it is imaginary! Prevailing situation there is troublesome,
So they are failed in driving the rats out of the hospitals, chibs, mians, kamalls and even the Lal could not dare to drive these rats out of these Shafah Khans. As such these rats are living natively in Srinagar hospitals of the valley in Srinagar hospitals as well as in other hospitals of the valley for last several generations. Their existence is deep rooted in the health Scenario of the valley. These rats have gained sufficient expertise in recognizing the pain killers, Tranquillizers, sedatives tonics and above all they can differentiate between a medicament and a poison! These fool proof rodents are eye witness to the malpractices practiced by the human beings viz, medicos, para medics, administrators, managers and the hay makers (businessmen) viz ignorances, negligences, non-professionalism, embezzlements, mismanagement, corruption, crimes, and other multidimensional heinous wrongs done in the dealing of diagnostic tools, machinery, surgicals and drugs. Thus staining black the once most reputed white collar profession and giving a bad name even to those who keep no stone unturned in serving the ailing humanity, truly.
For hospital administrations, when the situation is such miserable as mentioned, then who will bell the cat, no, who will bell the rat! Medicos Paramedics Safaiwalaas Medvives Patients Attendants Or! Do you expect it from the new born if it is a maternity hospital or say the Lal Ded.
And in the story of the Pied Piper based on Robert Brownings poem. The Pied Piper of Hamelin, you might be remembering that in Hamelin town of Germany the people were afraid of rats .. every morning they found their flour, bread, cheese and other eating items eaten up, the people found rats even in their shoes and hats and pockets, mothers found rats lying in comfort in beds and cradles. The animals like cats and dogs lived in fear of the rats whenever they saw the rats they turned tail. But here in the vale the tale is somewhat different and definitely advanced you might be observing that in Srinagar hospitals Patients and their attendants are not only afraid of rats but are at risk due to heavy weight rats who attack them and contaminate their food items. Patients find rats even in cup-boards, bags, pockets and medicos and paramedics find rats in their aprons, gloves, surgical equipments and so on. Mothers find rats in beds, cradles, resuscitation chambers and even in intensive care units. To manifest exemplary friendly relationship, here, neither rats are in fear of the cat- family nor the situation is vice versa, instead both the categories work under a common minimum programme! Whereunder they are enthusiastic to cause panic to the patients and attendants.
The Hamelin rats as the story says, were too clever to be caught in Traps even if one was caught, other rats came to its help and set it free.
But in the age of rodenticides, Srinagar rats proved cleverer, occupied the Shafah Khans learned to feed on medicaments, tonics, Garbage and refrained from consuming poisons and rodenticides.
That is why doctors, directors, superintendents and even the top hierarchy the Sumuns and the Sofis too have surrendered before these heavy and light rodents.
Everybody, more or less knows that todays Hamelin (Germany) Scientists have taken a U-turn in dealing with the rodents (rats). Rodents are now employed as lab-animals whereunder various experimental and empirical Trials are practiced for the betterment of humanity. Here it is reverse, Rodents are free to play with the overwhelming (health) of patients. Medicos come, examine, diagnose, prescribe and go then Paramedics come, observe and dispense the prescriptions and advise the attendants to purchase the remaining from the market. The midwives and Safaiwalaas rumble into the wards and grumble over the poor attendants and even upon the patients for not performing the acts that indeed is their own duty (staff). Self esteem is ones highest priority but the same is severely traumatized by the crazy medicos and Paramedics in these rodent-torne hospitals, and then the rats take the round and leave the surroundings contaminated.
And finally the people of Hamelin staged strong protests drew the Mayor out of the darbaar, councilors turned frustrated and feared of losing their jobs. They bowed to the people, made some motivations, but all in vain. Mayor was angry, people angrier. In the darbaar suggestions were exchanged, measures like trap-making, drive by cats, dogs, plugging rats-holes, poisoning and rebuilding the houses in stone all proved futile. Greatly disappointed they were about to close the meeting when they heard somebody knocking at the doors. It was a creature dressed in read and yellow, a pipe in his hand, as thin as a starved, rat, nose crooked, eyes sharp and blue, beardless, smiles on lips, very strange the Pied Piper he was! and under an MOU (against a thousand guilders) the Pied Piper stepped out of the darbaar!
into the street the piper stepped, Smiling first a little smile, As if he knew what magic slept, In his quite pipe the while; Then like a musical adept, To blow the pipe his lips he wrinkled, And green and blue his sharp eyes twinkled, Like a candle flame where salt is sprinkled, And ere three shrill notes the pipe uttered, You heard as if an army muttered, And the muttering grew to a grumbling, And the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling, And out of the houses the rats came tumbling, Great rats, small rats, lean rats, brawny rats, Grave old plodders, gay young friskers, Fathers, mothers, uncles, cousins, Cocking tails and Pricking whiskers, Families by tens and dozens, Brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, Followed the piper for their lives, From street to street he piped advancing, Until they came to the river wiser, Wherein all plunged and perished ..
After the task was performed, the Pied Piper asked the Mayor for cash. The Mayor laughed and said, Do you think you should be paid a thousand guilders for playing a little tune on your Pipe As such the Hamelin-Mayor cheated the Piper. The disappointed Piper gave the Mayor a hint for feeling sorry if he did not fulfill his word. The arrogant Mayor told the Piper to do the worst. The Piper did not take the money once he stepped into the street, started playing on his pipe again now with a different tune, so charming that all the childrens were drawn to him. Leaving their parents and relatives the little children came out of their houses danced and followed the piper who led them to a mountain wherein the piper alongwith the children ran into the mountain and the door got closed!
Thus ended the story, pied Pier of Hamelin, but curtain is yet to fall as the story Pied Piper of Srinagar is after the interval.
Do you think that the day is far away when similar circumstances will happen in the Srinagar hospitals, No! The day is drawing near and near. As soon as the councilors and the Mayor will start functioning they will have to face the music of the sufferers and finally the sufferers will stage a protest outside SMC (Srinagar Municipal Corporation). The Mayor will ask his councilors to find a remedy, the councilors will suggest, crack downs, cordons, raids, ambushes, arrests and tortures. The Proposal will be submitted to the state legislature for approval, where first front, second front and the third frond will approve it after hot exchanges, alleging and cross alleging each other for carrying the rat issue as a heredity!
The approval will reach the Mayor for implementation and at the very moment of implementation the Mayor and the councilors will realize that the suggested remedy wont bear any fruits as there is co-ordination between rats, cats and the dogs and at the same time some front will raise its voice in favour of rats defending the Animal Rights!
Then the Mayor and the councilors will look for escape sequences, they will sit for a closed darbaar probably they will decide to go for a Darbaar Move while they will be yet thinking their main door will be rung with a never heard bell opening the door they will be alarmed on seeing a creature, dressed multicloured, a pipe in his hand, as thin as a starved khraunch (rat), nose crooked, eyes sharp and blue, smile on lips, very strange the pied piper he will be! And under an MOU (against a thousand crore Rupees) the pied Pier will step out of the darbaar ! And coming generations will sing.!
Into HSH-Street the Piper stepped, smiling first there a Goldsmith, As if he new what magic slept, And his (pipers) quite Pipe hinted the myth, Then like a musical adept, To blow the pipe his lips he wrinkled, As if a cop borne Gypsy, his sharpeyes Twinkled, Like a light emitting ball, when it is fired, And ere two shrill notes the pipe uttered, Alongside LD, Paediatric, something muttered, And the muttering grew to a grumbling, And the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling, And out of the Hospitals the rodents came tumbling, Barzulla rats, Bemina rats, SMHS rats, SKIMS rats, Gynae rats, Prediatric rats, psychiatric rats, CD rats, Grave Old Professors, glad young interns, Sisters, MPHWS, NOS, Mid wives, Surgeons, masked and wearing aprons, Special teams by tens and dozens, Abdullahas, Muftis, Well cutting ribbons, enjoying kamals, Lals, sofis and summons, Yamraz, Mavaz and to kamraz hepiped advancing, Jehlum, Dal they found booked, Marching Ply over, for wards they looked, Until they came to the lake wular, Wherein all plunged and perished
As such Pied Pier will do the task. But when the pied piper will go to the Mayor and ask for cash, they major will laugh and say Do you think you should be paid a crore rupees for playing a little tune on your pipe
The Piper will get disappointed. He will say only a few hours ago you though I deserved more than a crore rupees and you said I wouldnt be denied anything.
The Mayor will say, I dont deny having said it. But even then a crore rupees is too big an amount to be paid for this job. The whole question will have to be examined by the council. However, I dont want to disappoint you. Take 1500 rupees.
When the Piper will find that he is being offered only 1500 rupees is the salary paid to high qualified youth, despite their equal duties (work) in Education department) he will go very disappoint and angry. He will alarm, saying, I tell you I dont like to be cheated. If you dont pay me my due amount, you will feel sorry for it.
The Mayor with say, What! Do you think deserve a crore rupees for playing a silly tune You can do your worst. I dont want to be bothered with any more silly requests. You wont be paid a rupee more. Take it, for rest of the amount we have to adjust expenditures, TAs, DAS, Commissions and goodwills !!!.
The Pied pier on listening the remarks of the Mayor, will get puzzled and astonished. The Media persons will ask him questions for his future course of actions. The Piper will contract his lips and rasing his finger towards contracted lips he will give a gesture to the media persons hinting them to watch his future (starting action).
He will then step at Abdullah Bridge. He will paly his pipe again. But then it will be a different tune (siren tune). It will be so mystic that all the bunkerman and voters will be drawn to him from both sides of the Jehlum He will then lead them to mountains, bunkermen to Pirpanjal (Banihal) mountain and voters to Harmoukh (Varmul) mountain. The bunkermen and voters will never return to valley.
What could Mayor, councilors, legislators and mainstreamers then do, they will cry and cry but all in vain.
However the Pied Piper will come back to Srinagar, he will address the public gathering in Iqbal park, People will have a sigh of relief. The Pied Piper will then go to Hariparbat mountain and will vanish there.
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