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Windows xp Home Edition

Windows XP Home Edition is one of the most popular operating systems used today. If there is a ?standard? operating system to which we would compare everything to, today the standard is Windows xp Home Edition. Windows XP Home Edition is of course made by everyone?s favorite software giant, Microsoft. They?ve been making programs that serve as standard requirements on 90% of the world?s computers for years now, so this should be no surprise. If you?re hoping to avoid or escape from a life without using Microsoft programs, I recommend moving Finland and raising goats. Still, you?d probably want some way to connect with goat markets and also other goat herders, and that would probably mean a computer, and that computer will perhaps have Windows xp Home Edition on it.

The biggest praise I can must for Windows xp Home Edition is that it isn?t completely horrible. While that may not sound like much of praise, considering the way I have felt about every single version of Windows that came before Windows XP Home Edition it is actually high praise indeed. Long ago I lost track of how many hours I have spent wasted by trying to load earlier versions of Windows on my computer and to make them to work correctly. Windows ME and Windows 2000 were both the most bug infested pathetic excuses for operating systems I?d ever encountered, and made me forever curse the name Microsoft. The only one which had barely worked at all for me was Windows 98 SE, and even that one had major issues. Why do you need a second edition anyway? Because the first one was such a complete digital turd. I myself wished that I could just go back to DOS, which was the first and only Microsoft OS that seemed to work at all.

So finally after 20 plus years of working on the Windows design, Microsoft got it right with Windows xp Home Edition. And don?t get me wrong, when I say they got it right I don?t mean Windows XP Home Edition is some stellar program or anything, I just mean it doesn?t blow up in your face every two weeks causing you to have to uninstall it, reinstall it, and spend entire nights pacing back and forth, pulling your hair out and babbling like a madman while the reinstall process fails over and over again. Very high praise, indeed. There is also of course Windows XP Professional, and Windows XP Business Edition, which are both supposedly better in some mysterious way than Windows xp Home Edition. I?m not really sure how they?re any different, but they cost more so they must be better.