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1u rackmount server


A server is a process running on a computer (host) that delivers information to a client when the client requests the same. It is a powerful resource that stores information 1u rackmount server and responds to the requests. This can be a data recovery request, an email exchange request, file transfers, web browsing, printer sharing, remote login, displaying graphical output and other network services or requests.

This is defined as Client-Server Interaction. More than one server programs can run on a single machine, which provides different servers to the clients on the network. The Apache Web Server and the Mozilla Web Browser are examples of the server and the client respectively. In a Client/Server model, a server is a program that awaits a request from client program and responds to it. However, in general, a server is a computer program that delivers information to other computers on the network. A server can also act as a communication gateway between computers connected to it.

Types of Servers used in Market place today:

Servers come in many forms: Application Servers, FTP Servers, Proxy Servers, News Servers, etc. Some of the servers with definitions are listed below:

* FTP Server: FTP Server is used to send and receive files securely between computers via the File Transfer Protocol.

* Application Servers: Application Servers act as a bridge between the Database Servers and the Client (end user) and connect them.

* Database Servers: Database servers store the complete database for computers on network. The computers on network access the database server when they need some records from the database.

* Proxy Servers: Proxy Servers fill the gap between the Client Program and External Server so that the requests can be filtered as determined to improve performance.

* Chat and IRC Servers: Chat Servers, as the name suggests, bring the chatting and real-time discussion capabilities to the Web Servers. The version of Internet Chat - the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) can be implemented using an IRC Server.

* List Servers: List Servers manage the mailing lists of a company and also mail the announcements, newsletters and / or advertising content to the email addresses on the list.

* Audio / Video Servers: The Audio / Video Servers bring the multimedia capabilities to a web server. These provide large-capacity audio and video storage, retrieval, transmission, etc.

* Fax Servers: Fax Servers reduce the telephone resources by sending and receiving the fax.

* Mail Servers: Mail Servers can be used to send / receive emails via Internet.

* News Servers: News Servers can distribute and deliver source for thousands of USENET news networks.

* Groupware Servers: Groupware Servers are used by the organizations who have their branches located all over the world, and who wish to work in collaboration with each other in a virtual atmosphere.

Meaning of term - Rackmount:

Rackmount is a terminology that describes the equipments and devices designed keeping in mind the industry-standard-sized computer racks and cabinets (19* wide). The standard size of the Rackmount devices is 1.75-inch units. The Rackmount is measured in U. That means 1U = 1.75-inch.

Different Rackmount Servers available for use:

There are ten types of Rackmount servers available that are measured in terms of U. These are named as:

* 1U Rackmount Server or Rackform Rack Server

* 2U Rackmount Server

* 3U Rackmount Server

* 4U Rackmount Server

* 5U Rackmount Server

* Blade Server

* Storage Server

* AMD Server

* Intel Server

1U Rackmount Servers:

1U Rackmount servers are build to satisfy the needs of an organization that have limited physical space. These ultra-thin servers can be used by ISPs (Internet Service Providers), ASPs (Application Service Providers) and Corporate Data Centers who need manageability and the space conservation. These can also be incorporated by some smaller IT organizations that are using large server machines, which occupy huge space.

1U Rackmount Server to be used by an organization:

A well-equipped 1U Rackmount servers can be used as a Domain Controller (DC), Domain Name System (DNS), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), a Gateway, or even a streaming media server. To find out what type of 1U Server should be purchased for an organization, the best way is to focus on *how the organization plans to use the server*. The approach followed to analyze the hardware requirements for the 1U Server should be same as in case of standard servers. In this case, current and future expandability needs should also be considered. The vendors of the Rackmount servers also offer solutions in order to help the organization with installation, deployment and manageability of the 1U Rackmount Servers, . The manageability of the Rackmount Servers includes Cable-Management options also, which can simplify the installation and reduce the total number of cables to be used to install and connect the rack of servers. In case of deployment management, the tools are also available to help the organization in installation of the Operating System and applications on the server. In some of the 1U Rackmount servers, the web-based management tools are integrated. To determine which tools are needed, an organization should consider two things:

* Physical location of the server

* Management tools that the organization already possesses.

Components of a 1U Rackmount Server:

The server chosen should have adequate CPU, RAM and Storage capacity to meet the organization*s needs. A server can also have CD ROM or Floppy Disk Drives if needed. Most of the 1U Rackmount servers consist of dual-embedded 10/100MB NIC*s. It should also be verified that the organizations network boot and Wake-On-LAN strategies support the NIC*s. Many 1U servers also have standard PS/2-style Serial and USB ports and one or two PCI Slots for expansion. The internal cooling on the server should be adequate in a non-temperature controlled environment.

Performance of a 1U Rackmount Server:

If an organisation is concerned about enhancing the disk performance of the server, the servers with an embedded Ultra 160 SCSI controller or an embedded RAID controller can be used. The server should be upgraded and serviced regularly for the best performance.

* Upgradeability: In the life of a Server, at some point, it should either be upgraded or entire box should be replaced in order to enjoy best performance of the server. While upgrading a server, a second processor to a Dual-CPU system can be added, the Storage space and RAM can be increased, the disk drives can be replaced, etc.

* Serviceability: A reliable vendor shall be chosen at time of purchase of a server, which can offer service to the server from time to time. The upgradation and the servicing of the Server can be checked with the vendor at the time of purchase. Some features like removable drivers, Sliding rails, hinged lids with thumbscrews can make the maintenance easier.

Some 1U Rackmount Servers:

One of the best performing 1U Rackmount servers dual Xeon Rackmount servers is SuperServer 6013P-T*. This server constitutes of dual 533MHz Front-Side Bus, dual Xeon Processors of up to 3.06GHz, up to 12GB ECC registered DDR-266/200 memory, dual gigabit LAN ports, two PCI-X expansion slots and four hot-swap SATA hard drive bays. Another server called SuperServer 5015M-MF* is an entry-level Rackmount Server, and can perform in a rack-dense compact 14 1U platform.