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Answer machines

How many answer machines have you gone through? Have you used the independently standing answer machines, which have limited functions but are cheap, simple to use, and easy to tuck away I a corner or on a shelf? Have you tried the all-in-one answer machines and phones which feature more capabilities, but which are a bit expensive if the phone goes out only or only the machine breaks down so in either scenario you have to replace the whole unit?

And either way, have you struggled with just the act of purchasing, given the hundreds of brands and styles and offerings? One can go through temporary changes without any back-up information to go on, so here are a few ratings and reviews for some of the many brand name answer machines:

GE Digital Telephone Answerer with Four Message Mailboxes

Customers at have identified the need for an answer machine that allows callers to leave a message longer than a few seconds. (Isn?t that maddening? You are the type who prefers callers leave all details on the machine rather than requesting you call back to find out the details, which is a waste of time and defeats the purpose, if you ask me, of an answering machine?and the message is cut off one minute in!) So they give the GE model four out of five stars for the forty (!) minutes of total record time, as well as for other valued features, such as remote access, date and time stamp, and voice clarity.

AT&T 1718 Digital Answering Machine

Cost is another factor for consumers, and this model is reviewed at as a five-star dream, given its affordability. As well, fellow users like the caller announce feature (which is still important for screening calls, even if telemarketing is finally blackballed), the many available features, and the ease of use. Various users who swear by this AT&T model also tout its fine voice quality, attractiveness, and the fact that it is a stand-alone, for those who have a portable phone that just won?t quit.

Conair Digital Answering Machine

While the Conair model gets mixed reviews, it is incredibly inexpensive, is easy to set up, and also has an adapter for Vonage phone service users. The company also offers a replacement, though from what buyers have written, it may cost a bit more in shipping the original back than it cost to purchase in the first place?

Whichever way you go, go with what works for you depending on your need like if u need long recording time, portability, or price breaks. I miss the older (pre-advanced technology) versions, the ones that had the adorable little cassette tapes you could use up and save in your archives, in case you wanted to prove a call made or wanted to revisit an old lover?s voice.