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Apple Desktop Computers

Are you old enough to remember the days before computers? If you are, then you know that back then, a typewriter was just a typewriter. Then IBM came out with the one with the ball. You could do something no ordinary person thought was possible-change the font. The personal computer changed everything particularly in the way we created documents.

Now the rest is history with some many applications, games; how can anyone live without a computer? The problem is that we have been brainwashed and our senses dull to into thinking there is only one type of computer. Not true. Like you probably have, I have been tied, eye and hands, to a computer for about ten years and I too thought that all computers were created equal until I started using an Apple desktop computer or Mac. An Apple desktop computer is about the same as an ordinary computer as a horse is to a cow. The cow runs, well, like a cow.

The horse (and the Apple desktop computer) is sleek and efficient, build for performance. The cow will do what you want it to with a little encouragement. The apple desktop computer follows your commands just like the horse. The cow needs to rest and often quits working 'just because'. The Mac works on and on and on because that is what it is made to do.
You might think that I am just saying this but in fact, I became a true believer after a month with my Apple desktop and suddenly realized, it had never crashed even once. The 'cow' crashes about twice a day. Sure, if you worked with a PC for a long time, you need a period of adjustment. Not that the Apple computer is difficult; it is just slightly different. To open a file from the "finder" known on a PC as the explorer, you can't press 'return' that take some getting use to. And here is another thing that is different with an Apple desktop. No viruses. I do not even own a virus cleaning system although I keep a virus checker going in the background on my Apple desktop computer. And what do you think it finds?

PC viruses that have no effect on my Mac. Another thing about an Apple computer that is great is the automatic software updates from the Internet. Just hook up to the Net and it automatically calls home for updates. No checking the website, no figuring out what you need. The operating and installed apple software is updated automatically. I tell my friends, that the Apple desktop computer I have is a real computer; the "other one" is just a toy in comparison.