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Australian Domain Names

Australian Domains are available for businesses and individuals living in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In order to create a domain, you must choose a name for your site. There are many options when choosing an Australian domain names, but not all of the options available are the most profitable for your site. Once the name is chosen, registering the name is no problem. provides valuable tips for selecting a domain name on its site. The site allows only letters, hyphens and numbers in the Australian domain names and they do not allow the customers to use spaces. It is best to refrain from using symbols and brackets. They are difficult to remember and awkward to type. also recommends using a short domain name. Shorter names are easy to remember and they are easy to type on the keyboard. However, the site does allow domain names up to sixty-three characters in length.

Even though we type www before each domain name, the www is not actually part of the actual name and it is important to remember that when selecting an Australian domain name. People have chosen names with www preceding their actual choice and they find that they have to enter the www twice when trying to access their domains.

Choosing a domain name is a very important task. The name is a reflection of your services and it is often your first impression. Even though it is a good idea to keep domain names short, it is also a good idea to make sure that it is easy to remember. For example, it is better to choose a name like findname rather than fndnme because the former is simply easier to remember. A readable, meaningful name is more valuable and understandable than a very short name.

Keep in mind that the domain name is not case sensitive so capital letters are and void. A name like JakesCarYard will look like jakescaryard when entered into the system. People often make spelling mistakes, and this should be taken into consideration, too. Some web sites may use a name that is very similar to a popular site in order to attract traffic to their site. For example, can be misspelled as

Creating an Australian domain names is very easy. You may want to check for availability. Visit the service provider?s home page and then enter the domain name you desire in the search box. You will be notified whether or not the domain name is available. If it is not available, you may conduct the search again. It?s that simple.

Even though you spent a good deal of time selecting just the right name, you find that someone else already has that domain name. This can be very discouraging, especially if you put a lot of time and effort into the task. Listing alternative options is good practice when registering an Australian domain names. If you keep your options open will help make the process much less taxing and you may find a domain name that reflects your site perfectly.