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Automotive Security Systems

Are you looking for car security There is no denying that this can be a tricky question, especially if you do not feel like paying for it right now! Of course, fact remains that paying a little bit for some form of car automotive security systems now can save you from having to pay a whole lot more in the future.

It is worth mentioning in this regard that when a car thief sees that you have a form of car security, he or she will likely move onto an easier target.

In an ideal scenario there are many levels of car security, from steering wheel locks to high-tech alarms and immobilisers. Furthermore when it comes to your own car security system, you really get a choice of which technology you want. Always remember that there are aftermarket systems as well as pre-installed ones.

Theoretically speaking the three main types of car security systems are:

Audible security systems- If experts are to be believed, such a system as this works by alerting the general public that someone without authority is trying to get into the vehicle. Yes, there is no denying that these are the annoying systems that you here beeping and screaming while you are trying to enjoy a peaceful meal at a restaurant. Of course, at the present moment, the user can actually set the sensitivity of most modern audible security systems, lessening the chance of it going off for no reason. More often than not, the driver can know that the alarm has been set based off of double beep or flashing of the headlights. In addition, most of these pre-installed car security systems also include a panic button that will set off the alarm when the user pushes a button on the key fob. Though the main problem with these systems is, of course, all the noise and potential for noise that they generate.

Inaudible systems (private alert systems)- Theoretically speaking these systems eliminate the horrible sounds by paging the owner electronically when or if there is a break-in. Of course, there are hassles that can arise with this system. First and foremost, the owner may be far away from the car and may not be able to get there in time. In addition if the owner can get there while the break-in is in progress, he or she might be in danger. In a nutshell, all that an inaudible system does is inform the owner that there is a problem, but it does not offer any solutions!

Ignition system immobilizers- According to experts, this is the one of the newest forms of car security system technology, and it may actually become mandatory in the production of future vehicles. In simple terms, ignition system immobilizers work by preventing the vehicle by being started by any one whom as unauthorized access.

Of course, fact remains that you do not necessarily have to choose between just one of these types of car automotive security systems. It is worth mentioning in this regard that many cars come with a combination of them, like an immobilizer along with an audible security system (which is probably the most common combination). Furthermore you can always throw in a steering wheel lock (like The Club) for good measure.

It is always a better proposition to contact your car insurance company to see which car automotive security systems they suggest. In an ideal scenario your insurance company will even offer discounts if you have a good security system.

There is no denying that you car is probably one of the most expensive items you have ever purchased. Thats why you must protect it well to help you keep your car and belongings from being stolen or vandalized.

Below are some important tips for the security of your vehicle:

Tip 1: Park in a Well Lit Area

First and foremost places, which are well lit and have a lot of traffic, are the best place to park your car. Fact remains that no sensible thief will steal a vehicle where there are a lot of people around.

Tip 2: Dont Attract Attention

Always remember that attracting attention tells people that you have something valuable in your car. Thats why do not attract attention by placing high valued items in full view. As a Matter of fact hide them away or risk losing the whole vehicle!

Tip 3: Take your Belongings with You

It is advisable to take everything out of your car. It is worth mentioning in this regard that anything that can call attention probably will, and thieves love to hotwire cars that have expensive things inside. Furthermore don't leave in plain view any money, electronic items or expensive items.

Tip 4: Thieves Love Audio Equipment as Much as You do

In theory, a good snatch-and-grab man can get a stereo out of a car in seconds, often before passers-by even notice. So its your responsibility to make sure that your equipment is safe, you should make it difficult for the thief. It is worth pointing that some companies make accessory frames that bolt your head unit automotive security systems to the car's body.

Tip 5: Get an Alarm System

However an alarm system will not get the police rushing to your vehicle or get passer-bys restraining the thief, it will though lessen the time a thief can work your vehicle. In addition, many thieves will not even attempt your vehicle if they see that you have a security system installed.

Tip 6: If You can Help it, Dont Customize

Always remember that tinted windows, custom wheels, fog lights, all these accessories attract thieves. According to experts, you car will of course look like a powerful vehicle, but that means more thieves would want your car as well. In case if you really want to add performance accessories to your vehicle, don't tell the whole world about it. As a matter of fact install them where no one can see them. In addition have your car look like something fresh out of the factory.