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Bike Accessories

There can be many bike accessories that you can use with a bicycle but none are more important than ones used for safety on the road. Bicyclists have to share the road with motorized vehicles and for this reason safety bike accessories are important. Although most motorists are respectful and careful but when it comes to cyclists, accidents do happen. Reflectors which can be put in the spokes, handlebars, or on the seat are vital bike accessories to have especially if riding in the evening. Many drivers have trouble in seeing bicyclists at night and by having reflectors on the bike it lets the drivers know that you are on the road with them and they can take safety measures that they normally wouldn?t if they couldn?t see you.

Along the lines of reflectors a safety item that can kill two birds with one stone is a reflector strip that can wrap around your leg with a reflector on it. These bike accessories wrap the pant leg tightly around the leg, closest to the chain, so that it does not get caught in it. These bike accessories can also be purchased without reflectors and also can be important to keep grease off your pants as well as to keep the chain from jamming when your pants get caught in it. This is important as it may keep you from falling off your bike.

Lights that can be strapped to the handlebars are also important bike accessories when riding at night. These bicycle lights are especially made for riding at night to let you know where you are going. Many can be hooked on to the handlebar and taken off when not needed which makes the light one of the most useful bike accessories.

One of the most important bike accessories for safety is a helmet. The helmet protects the head while riding which is the most sensitive part of the body and is one of the parts which is at a great risk to being damaged if being thrown from a bike. There are different types of helmets in terms of bike accessories whether they are racing helmets or ones for every day use. The helmet can be the piece of plastic that can save your life.

Parents will want to insist their child wear a bike helmet. In fact, now days some communities are making helmets mandatory for children under a certain age. Bicycle horns are bike accessories that can make the rider safer. Using a horn, much like reflectors or lights, let others you are sharing the road with, know that you are there. Just knowing you are on the road, the driver or other cyclist can be alert to the fact that they are sharing the road with you and be more careful because of it.

There can be many different types of bike accessories many of which are to make the bike faster or look better but the most important of them all involve safety and ensure that the rider will be still be peddling in the future. So they bring good look to our bike and also make us safer while driving.