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Ever since the world of technology started creating products for the common man to communicate with, there has been a veritable revolution in the publishing industry. I?m serious. The old way of journalism as we know it is fast disappearing. And blogging, as the new form of cyber journalism is taking up the place.

If you have never heard of a blog, it might be a good idea to start by learning how to create one. The process to create a blog is pretty simple. First, you need to identify a blog service provider. There are several of them available in the market, and as the genre is still growing, they provide their services for free. One of the biggest sites that lets you create blogs is of course blogspot. This is by far the most popular site to create blog and ranks very high in terms of usability and recall value. But then there are also others like typepad and live journal that allow a user to create blogs. While these are not as popular, they are slowly but steadily gaining ground.

But to create blog entries entails a lot more than mere logging on to a blog service provider site. It entails patience, dedication and commitment. And of course, a modicum of writing skills and the ability to pick a topic that will interest people other than yourself! With these skills in place, you can go ahead to create your blog. When blogging started at first, it needed a fair amount of technical skill in order to be able to manipulate HTML and the like in order to actually post the content on the site.

But over time, as more and more bloggers started blogging online, the tools too have developed to become increasingly user-friendly.

Today, all you need to know in order to create blogs is typing. Seriously! It is as simple as that! After you have registered your name and other details to facilitate opening an account, all you need to do is to choose the template that best reflects your mood, choose a blog title and viola! You can create blogs that allow you to express yourself clearly and loudly. At practically no cost, since the costs have been managed by the companies that offer to give you the space to create blogs in the first place. What?s in it for them? Well, if your blog becomes successful and lots of people star visiting on a regular basis, these very companies will place one or many banner ads on your blog in order to attract them. Each time someone clicks, the companies make some money. This is called affiliate advertising, but it is the matter of an altogether different topic.