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Auto Accident

Have you ever been in an auto accident? This is not joke, people. The sad reality is that at some point in our lives majority of us will cause or be involved in an auto accident. The statistics actually say that every seven years is common. That's right; once in every seven years you may be involved in another auto accident. Now, this doesn't mean you will for sure.

These are only statistics, folks. In addition, it's impossible to say what kind of accident you may be in. The truth is it could be a minor fender bender, or it could be much worse. The trick to avoiding auto accidents is safety and knowledge. How safe do you drive? Are you one of those rule-abiding drivers, or are you one of those annoying individuals who are always in a hurry to get somewhere? This is something you may want to consider the next time you climb behind the wheel. It may make the difference in avoiding an auto accident.

I can remember the first time I was in an auto accident. I was 17 years old and out in my first car. It was a 78 Fiat Spyder. I loved that thing. It may have been old, but it was a blast to cruise around in with the top down. Anyway, I was out at the local mall with my best friend, and then it happened.
I was waiting at a stop light and a few girls in the convertible next to us distracted me with some odd gestures. Suddenly I was in a fender bender, in the middle of the intersection. What an idiot, I know! Oh well, we do some pretty stupid stuff when we're 17. Luckily this was an auto accident in which everyone walked away from without a scratch. Now, the key here involved my insurance. Do you have good auto insurance? Well, if your answer is no, then I suggest you re-think think this. If you are ever in an accident and it is your fault, you will need a good coverage plan to fix your car, not to mention the other fellow's ride.

If you've never been in an auto accident, then consider yourself lucky; so far anyway. However, just to be safe, you should be sure to have a good back-up plan. What does your car insurance cover? Maybe you need to get online today and take a gander at a few quotes. There are a variety of car insurance providers in cyberspace vying for your attention. It's better to be safe than sorry, because you never know when that next auto accident may occur. So always try to be very careful while driving.