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As Seen on TV

As seen on TV products are basically products that have been show cased or featured in an infomercial at some point. As seen on TV means that they were shown on TV in all of their so called remarkable, revolutionary, and time saving innovation. I say ?so called,? because, although some of these as seen on tv products are really kind of nifty if not exactly out right revolutionary, many of them are just stupid, pointless gizmos which won't help with anything or save you any time. It is difficult to understand how someone would even want to use any of these products!

One of the silliest things that I have seen on tv was essentially a wood chipper for your hair. It would suck your hair into something that looked very much like a vacuum cleaner, where it would be cut. I mean come in; this is supposed to be a better solution than plain old fashioned scissors combined with clippers? How are you supposed to style your hair with a vacuum cleaner? They showed all kinds of nifty styles, but I was pretty sure that none of them would work with that stupid as seen on tv product.

One of the biggest problems with as seen on TV stuff is that people will fall for almost anyone or anything that they see on tv. At least some people will. The most irritating singers, the worst actors, the lyingist politicians, and of course the most ridiculous as seen on tv stuff, once it is show on the tube, becomes the fodder of pop culture.

This is less true, I think for as seen on tv products though, because who is really going to remember something to order the next day when they are up all night watching an infomercial. It just doesn't make any sense I mean they can be entertaining in the middle of the night when you are suffering from insomnia, or maybe just unwinding from a long day, but there is no point in thinking about them past then, to tell your friends, or buy some cheesy salad maker that is supposed to be better than a good old chefs knife. I mean, how gullible do they think we are?

Apparently, though, someone is buying them. I think that as seen on TV products play on the addled state of the half asleep mind at 3 in the morning. Suddenly, your safety does seem to be at risk and you need that stun gun or self defense tape. OR maybe you can't for the life of you figure out how you're going to arrange your closet the next day, so you buy the all around organizer. Or maybe you are lured by the hair vacuum cleaner cutter which promises to make hair cutting so much easier. The exhausted mind can fall for almost anything, it seems.