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Aircraft Designs

All of us, at one or the other time have been fascinated by aircrafts. But the question is how many of us have actually pondered over Aircraft Designs? Not much right! And even among those who have actually bothered to look at the kinds of aircraft designs available, how many are not aeronautics students? Aircraft design one of the fascinating fields of study. Not just for the physics major, but for the lay person as well. For a machine that costs so much and seems so complex, all Aircraft Designs are pretty simple when we come to the bare bones design aspects. All aircrafts, no matter how big or small they are, work on the physical principle of drag and lift. Any aircraft design cannot afford to work if it does not follow these principles.

But aircraft design is finding newer and more important uses. For one thing, aircraft design today is more useful in creating stealth aircrafts. By combining the principles of friction (or the lack of it) today?s Aircraft Designs are able to strike a balance between aerodynamics and radar invisibility.
While the aircraft designs continuing to get better by the day, they are also becoming more and more difficult to track, upping the ante on all sides of warfare. In the United States of America, all aircraft designs should be certified as fit by the Federal Aviation Authority before they can go in for mass production. Which is why, even if the companies and their manufacturing plants are based abroad (for instance in France, which happens to be home to both Boeing and Airbus), the Aircraft Designs and the aircrafts themselves, cannot operate until the aircraft designs are found to be in accordance with the rules laid out by the FAA.

A simple search in Google will reveal how many companies operate aircraft design units within America itself. There are scores of them. And while most of them specialize in building smaller, one or two person aircrafts, a few actually manage to provide comprehensive, large scale Aircraft Designs. While the bigger aircraft manufacturers have offices in the country, homegrown giants like Lockheed Martin and even the defense department of the United States Federal government are having their own labs and hangars where they can not only provide aircraft designs but build prototypes and manufacture them as well. So, if you are looking for a good quality aircraft designs, you don?t need to look any further than our national boundaries!