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motion activated camera

If you own a business you know that one of the issues that you are most concerned with is security. With the number of break-ins increasing, it?s worthwhile to consider the installation of a motion activated camera with a built-in video recorder.Most break-ins occur during the night when there is no one minding the store. Even with an alarm system in place a thief can make off with thousands of dollars in merchandise before the police arrive. Without some sort of video surveillance equipment that crook may never be caught.A motion activated camera is a great and affordable solution for most small businesses. The camera only records if it detects motion.

That means if your store or office is broken into the motion activated camera will record everything that is occurring from the first moment something moves.Many of these types of cameras also come equipped with a motion activated light. This is a good addition because the moment the light turns itself on the perpetrator will be startled. Hopefully it will be enough to chase them away, if it?s not the motion activated camera will record their every move.Another good location for a motion activated camera might be right outside the door of your business. If you have employees working late into the evening and leaving the building when it?s dark, than this can be a great idea.

Once the employee is done their shift and is exiting the building, the camera will begin filming them. If there ever were an altercation of any type the entire thing would be on film which could prove helpful to the authorities. Purchasing a motion activated camera can be done at most electronics stores. There you will find different makes and models. The cost varies depending on what features you?d like as well as the quality of the pictures. Many online retailers also offer the option of buying a motion activated camera online. If you choose this route you can compare the benefits that different models offer as well as the prices. Once you have chosen a model you?ll want to install it. If you feel comfortable doing the job yourself you simply need to follow the directions included with the camera. If you?d rather not handle the technical side of things than employ an electrician to do the job for you.Having a motion activated camera keeping a watchful eye over your business can give you and your employees all peace of mind.