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It is necessary that all must know what information technology is exactly, and why it has come to play such an important function in our every day life. Nowadays information technology involves more than just computer literacy; additionally, it takes into account how computers work and how these computers can further be used not just for information processing but also for communications and problem solving undertakings as well. Nowadays our world has changed a great deal with the help of information technology.

Things that were once done manually have now become computerized operating systems that just need a single-click of a mouse to get a work completed. With the help of IT, you are not only capable to streamline your business procedures but you are able to get constant data in real time, which is up to the minute and up to date. The importance of IT can be seen from the truth that it has penetrated almost every part of our daily lives from business to leisure and even society. At present personal PCs, cell phones, fax machines, pagers, email and internet have all not only become an integral part of our very culture but also play a fundamental role in our everyday activities.

Need for IT Department:

For management and support of the infrastructure, an IT department is mandatory for an organization to improve its business process using technology. An IT department is essential for these areas of technology to provide value to the business, since maintenance works must be executed by technically experienced personnel.

i. End-User Technical Support

ii. Desktop Management

iii. Network Management

iv. Voice and Data Communications

v. Business Applications

vi. Strategic Technology Planning

vii. Project Management

In addition to using technology efficiently, an IT department will provide a business with lower costs, high productivity and high efficiency in other areas.

Information Technology- Advantages

1. Globalization: IT has not only brought the world closer together, but it has permitted the world?s financial system to become a single mutually dependent system. This implies that you cannot only share data quickly and efficiently, but also bring down barriers of lingual and geographical boundaries. The world has developed into a worldwide village because of the aid of information technology, which allow countries like Chile and Japan who are not only detached by distance but also by language to share dreams and information with each other.

2. Communication: With the assistance of information technology, communicating has also become cheaper, quicker, and more effective. At present, you can communicate with anyone around the earth by simply messaging him or her or sending an email for instant reply. Additionally, it also opened up face-to-face direct communication from different parts of the world with the help of video conferencing.

3. Cost effectiveness: Information technology has assisted to automate the business process thus streamlining businesses to make them highly cost effective profitable machines. This in turn increases the productivity, which finally gives rise to profits, which implies better pay and less straining working conditions.

4. Bridging cultural gap: Information technology has assisted to link the cultural gap by helping people from various cultures to communicate with one another. Moreover, it permits for the exchange of views and thoughts, hence increasing consciousness and reducing prejudice.

5. More time: IT has made it possible for businesses to be open 24/7 all over the globe. This implies that a business can be open anytime anywhere, and making buys from various countries simpler and more convenient. In addition, it means that you can have your goods presented exactly to your entrance with having to move a single muscle.

6. Creation of new tasks: The best advantage of information technology is the creation of new and attractive jobs. Computer programmers, Systems analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers are just a few of the new employment opportunities created with the help of IT.

Information Technology- Disadvantages:

Unemployment: While information technology may have modernized the business method, it has also crated job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This implies that many inferior and middle level jobs have been completed away with causing more people to become jobless.

Privacy: However, information technology has made communication earlier, simpler and more convenient; it has also bought privacy issues. From cell phone, signal interceptions to email chopping, people are now bothered about their private details becoming public knowledge.

Deficiency of job security: Industry specialists think that the internet has made job security a big matter because the technology keeps on altering every day. This means that one has to be in a steady learning form, if he or she wishes for their job to be safe.

Dominant culture: While information technology has made the world a global village, it has bestowed to one culture dominating another weaker one. Moreover, the languages have become eclipsed, with English becoming the primary method of communication for business and everything else.

Why outsource IT department:

Information Technology (IT) is a critical component of the business process, which requires technical competence away from the scope of the current management. In this situation, a third party should administer the IT function. Additionally, here are a few of the reasons why outsourcing is a better option for running the IT department, rather than maintaining IT internally:

Improved cost management control Advantages:

All billable hours must be accounted, hence IT costs become more visible

Outsourced services are used as required, and the organizations disburse only for services are really utilized

An outsourced IT department can decrease costs by using its wide knowledge base of different IT specialists, as opposed to an organization maintaining a complete in-house staff.

Enhanced Service Quality:

The outsourced companies make presentation reports and measurements available to their customers

Discussions between business functions develop at all levels and make sure that IT resources are not being misused

Also, they provide 24/7 supports at a fraction of cost

Outsource staff be apt to drive preparation and budgeting betterments

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can also be recognized

Software tools:

Outsourced services make use of established standards for equipment and software requirements, thus saving time and money

Outsourced services use permitted lists of trustworthy vendors, which amends the quality of goods and services received

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