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Online Art Galery

Art Babe is an online art gallery for female artists and writers. This online art gallery consists of a few female artists who display their artwork in the site. Each artist has her own online art gallery in the Art Babe website and visitors can browse through the artwork and even make comments on the works. The Art Babe online art gallery is a kind of community for women artists. Each artist has her own online art gallery. In addition each artist has her own blog. Blogs are used by the artists to exchange ideas about art and on how to promote the online art gallery in general. The online art gallery also offers a platform for the ladies to exchange recipes as well. Cooking is considered an art for many of us and it is perfect to add the recipe section to the online art gallery.

Most of the recipes are original and some are old favorites.Christa is the creator of the Art Babe online art gallery and she is an artistic genius who has a knack for web design. The online art gallery is easily navigated and it is easy to spend a lot of time browsing through the artwork. Many artists find the work inspiring. Other visitors want to purchase some of the pieces found on the online art gallery and Christa has included optional storefronts for her artists. I have not purchased a storefront myself, but that is simply because my artwork is not developed enough to demand a price quite yet. I use the online art gallery in order to get inspiration and motivation to create more artwork. There is also a section for tips and tricks that artists can use to help each other.

One great tip I found through the online art gallery is to turn the drawing that I am working on upside down every once in awhile. This helps me see the drawing the way others see it. It helps me gain a new perspective on the piece. There are many online art galleries floating around the web, but ArtBabe is a leading online art gallery designed to appeal to women who are established artists and designed to appeal to artists like me. I am still developing my online art gallery. There is no better place for a female artist to start than ArtBabe.Whether you are a female artist who wants to get free promotion for her art through an online art gallery or an admirer of art who wants to browse through an online art gallery, ArtBabe is a must. It is a wonderful community for creative females.