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LCD Monitor

There is no doubt about it; LCD monitors are the wave of the future. In ten years time from now, people probably won?t even remember what CRT monitors are, much less what they looked like or what they were used for. The standard by that time will be the LCD monitor. As of 2006, LCD monitors are already nearly the standard, representing nearly 40% of the market for computer video displays. As far as computer notebooks go, LCD monitors are already the standard, and have been for sometime. As LCD monitors are extremely thin compared to the traditional CRT counterpart, it makes loads more sense to use an LCD monitors with a notebook computer. LCD monitors, often called flat panel screens or flat panel monitors, are quickly replacing CRT monitors for desktops as well. These consume less power and a whole lot less valuable desktop space when compared with the CRT monitors.

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, and actually isn?t a new technology at all. LCD monitors have been around longer even than the traditional bulky CRT monitors, however it has only been in recent years that the technology has advanced to a point where it is an effective computer display. Early LCD screens were capable of showing only a basic graphical image, such as text or numbers, and had the disadvantage of very slow response time. These issues have been mostly corrected for today in a form of LCD monitor called the TFT display. TFT LCD monitors are what you see today, in notebook computers and as flat panel screens for desktops. Just about four months ago I finally made the plunge and bought my first LCD monitors for use with my desktop. Of course, I?d been using an LCD monitor on my notebook for sometime, but I am totally blown away by the flat screen I picked up for my desktop PC. I have owned a desktop since the early 1980s, and in order to update them I have gone through many of different upgrades. The one thing that has pretty much stayed the same has been the monitor. Sure, I?ve gotten some newer and slightly better CRT monitors, but it wasn?t until I recently brought home my first LCD monitor when I felt like I finally have gotten a serious upgrade for my display. The image quality is vastly superior, and I completely don?t know what to do with the space I?ve saved on my desk.

Though many people say that LCD monitors technology still suffers from slower response times, I haven?t noticed a difference whatsoever, and I play plenty of graphically intense computer games. Even though there may be a difference in display time, I think its worth the enormous boost to the image quality. Now that LCD monitors are dropping in price so much, I doubt I?ll ever buy a CRT monitor again.